Ultrascale Computing Systems (bibtex)
@Book{2019, editor = {Jesus Carretero and Emmanuel Jeannot and Albert Y. Zomaya}, publisher = {Institution of Engineering and Technology}, title = {{Ultrascale Computing Systems}}, year = {2019}, month = {jan}, abstract = {With the spread of the Internet, applications and web-based services, distributed computing infrastructures, local parallel systems, and the availability of huge amounts of dispersed data, software-dependent systems will be more and more connected, more and more networked, leading to the creation of supersystems. The phrase ultrascale computing systems (UCSs) refers to this type of IT supersystems. UCSs are complex large-scale ecosystems aggregating high-performance parallel and distributed computing infrastructures. These systems provide to the end user intrinsically heterogeneous solutions, located at multiple sites and capable of delivering tremendous performance boosts. They are indispensable to applications offering several orders of magnitude increase in the size of data and in the computing power relative to today's existing conventional technologies. However, to really speak of UCS, we must consider several orders of magnitude increase in the size of data, in the computing power and in the network complexity relative to what is existing now.}, doi = {10.1049/pbpc024e}, url = {https://digital-library.theiet.org/content/books/pc/pbpc024e} }
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