Video Adaptation in Limited or Zero Network Coverage (bibtex)
@InProceedings{Crabtree2013, author = {Crabtree, Barry and Stevens, Tim and Allan, Brahin and Lederer, Stefan and Posch, Daniel and Mueller, Christopher and Timmerer, Christian}, booktitle = {CCNxConn 2013}, title = {Video Adaptation in Limited or Zero Network Coverage}, year = {2013}, address = {Palo Alto}, editor = {Mahadevan, Priya}, month = {sep}, pages = {1-2}, publisher = {PARC}, abstract = {This paper shows how adaptive streaming and on-device caching can be used to provide an always available video service. A DASH client has been extended to deal with periods of zero network connectivity, and seamlessly works in conjunction with CCN to provide local storage that is intelligently updated to provide an improved quality of experience.}, language = {EN}, location = {Palo Alto, CA, USA}, pdf = { adaptation in limited or zero network coverage-CCNxCon.pdf}, talkdate = {2013.09.06}, talktype = {poster}, url = {} }
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