The design and implementation of the A2QM3 System (bibtex)
@InProceedings{Csizmazia2002, author = {Csizmazia, Balázs and Hellwagner, Hermann}, booktitle = {Proceedings Fourth International Workshop on Active Middleware Services}, title = {The design and implementation of the A2QM3 System}, year = {2002}, address = {Washington, DC, USA}, editor = {N,A}, month = {jan}, pages = {19-27}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, abstract = {In this paper we present the design, architecture and implementation of the A2QM3 System. It provides programmers re-usable QoS-aware Control Objects to enable building a complete middleware for adaptive applications over active networks. We introduce the programming model, the system architecture, and show the parts that make this system a full-featured middleware supporting QoS-aware reliable stream-oriented communication, communication using the request/reply-based CORBA model and real-time streaming for continuous multimedia contents.}, isbn10 = {0-7695-1721-8}, language = {EN}, pdf = { design and implementation of the A2QM3 System.pdf}, talktype = {none} }
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