Comparison of XML serializations: cost benefit vs. complexity (bibtex)
@Article{DeSutter2006, author = {De Sutter, Robbie and Lerouge, Sam and De Neve, Peter and Timmerer, Christian and Hellwagner, Hermann and and Van de Walle, Rik}, journal = {ACM Multimedia Systems}, title = {Comparison of XML serializations: cost benefit vs. complexity}, year = {2006}, issn = {0942-4962}, month = aug, number = {No 1}, pages = {1-15}, volume = {Vol 12}, abstract = {More and more data are structured, stored, and sent over a networ using the Extensible Markup Language (XML) language. There are, however, concerns about the verbosity of XML in such a way that it may restrain further adoption of the language, especially when exchanging XML-based data over heterogeneous networks, and when it is used within constrained (mobile) devices. Therefore, alternative (binary) serialization formats of the XML data become relevant in order to reduce this overhead. However, using binary-encoded XML should not introduce interoperability issues with existing applications nor add additional complexity to new applications. On top of that, it should have a clear cost reduction over the current plain-text serialization format. A first technology is developed within the ISO/IEC Moving Picture Experts Group, namely the Binary MPEG Format for XML. It provides good compression efficiency, ability to (partially) update existingXMLtrees, and facilitates random access into, and manipulation of, the binary-encoded bit stream. Another technique is based on the Abstract Syntax Notation One specification with the Packed Encoding Rules created by the ITU-T. This paper evaluates both techniques as alternative XML serialization formats and introduces a solution for the interoperability concerns. This solution and the alternative serialization formats are validated against two real-life use cases in terms of processing speed and cost reduction. The efficiency of the alternative serialization formats are compared to a classic plain text compression technique, in particular ZIP compression.}, address = {London}, language = {EN}, publisher = {Springer} }
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