Common Messaging Layer for MPI and PVM over SCI (bibtex)
@InProceedings{Eberl1998, author = {Eberl, Michael and Hellwagner, Hermann and Herland, Bjarne Geir}, booktitle = {Proceedings of HPCN-Europe 98}, title = {Common Messaging Layer for MPI and PVM over SCI}, year = {1998}, address = {NA}, editor = {Sloot, Peter and Bubak, Marian and Hertzberger, Bob}, month = apr, pages = {576-587}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, series = {LNCS}, abstract = {This paper describes the design of a common message passing layer for implementing both MPI and PVM over the SCI interconnect in a workstation or PC cluster. The design is focused at obtaining low latency. The message layer encapsulates all necessary knowledge of the underlying interconnect and operating system. Yet, we claim that it can be used to implement such different message passing libraries as MPI and PVM without sacrificing efficiency. Initial results obtained from using the message layer in SCI clusters are presented.}, isbn13 = {978-3-540-64443-9}, language = {EN}, talktype = {none} }
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