SCIPVM: Parallel Distributed Computing on SCI Workstation Clusters (bibtex)
@Article{Hellwagner1999b, author = {Hellwagner, Hermann and Zoraja, Ivan and Sunderam, Vaidy}, journal = {Concurrency: Practice and Experience}, title = {SCIPVM: Parallel Distributed Computing on SCI Workstation Clusters}, year = {1999}, issn = {1096-9128}, month = feb, number = {No 3}, pages = {121-138}, volume = {Vol 11}, abstract = {Workstation and PC clusters interconnected by SCI (Scalable Coherent Interface) are very promising technologies for high performance cluster computing. Using commercial SBus to SCI interface cards and early system software and drivers, a two-workstation cluster has been constructed for initial testing and evaluation. The PVM system has been adapted to operate on this cluster using raw device access to the SCI interconnect, and preliminary communications performance tests have been carried out. Our preliminary results indicate that communications throughput in the range of 3.5 MBytes/s, and latencies Research supported by the Applied Mathematical Sciences program, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, U. S. Department of Energy, under Grant No. DE-FG05-91ER25105, the National Science Foundation, under Award Nos. ASC-9527186 and ASC-9214149, and the German Science Foundation SFB342. of 620 ¯s can be achieved on SCI clusters. These figures are significantly better (by a factor of 3 to 4) ...}, address = {N, A}, language = {EN}, pdf = {}, publisher = {N, A} }
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