Combining Stream Switching with Fine-grained Intra-stream Adaptation for Adaptive Video Streaming (bibtex)
@InProceedings{Kropfberger2005, author = {Kropfberger, Michael and Hellwagner, Hermann}, booktitle = {Proc. of the IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing}, title = {Combining Stream Switching with Fine-grained Intra-stream Adaptation for Adaptive Video Streaming}, year = {2005}, address = {Shanghai}, editor = {Zhuang, Xinhua and Sorensen, J and Wu, Qiang and Qing, Shi Y and Ostermann, J and Man, H and Goldgof, D}, month = nov, pages = {373-376}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, abstract = {Video streaming systems in best effort networks have to somehow cope with dynamically changing bandwidth. Various scalable video codecs allow intra-stream adaptation by use of temporal, spatial, or quality (SNR) scalability; optimizations for finer grained scalability are available as layered coding and FGS techniques. However, if there is no scalable video stream at hand, stream switching among pre-encoded stream versions of different bitrates and qualities allows at least coarse-grained adaptation. Those different approaches compete to be the most efficient solution for adaptive video streaming. However, this paper will show that the efficacy is significantly increased by combining those approaches. As will be discussed, the combination of coarse-grained stream switching and temporal intra-stream adaptation offers better visual results and more stable client buffer behavior than the denoted approaches used separately.}, doi = {10.1109/MMSP.2005.248654}, isbn10 = {0-7803-9288-4}, language = {EN}, pdf = { stream switching with fine-grained intra-stream adaptation for adaptive video streaming.pdf}, talkdate = {IEE}, talktype = {none} }
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