Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over CCN: A Caching and Overhead Analysis (bibtex)
@InProceedings{Liu2013, author = {Liu, Yaning and Geurts, Joost and Point, Jean-Charles and Lederer, Stefan and Rainer, Benjamin and Mueller, Christopher and Timmerer, Christian and Hellwagner, Hermann}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE international Conference on Communication (ICC) 2013 – Next-Generation Networking Symposium}, title = {Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over CCN: A Caching and Overhead Analysis}, year = {2013}, address = {Budapest}, editor = {Mattheisen, Christopher and Murase, Tutomu}, month = {jun}, pages = {2222-2226}, publisher = {IEEE}, abstract = {In this paper, we present our implementation and evaluation of Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over Content centric networking (DASC) which implements MPEG Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) utilizing a Content Centric Networking (CCN) naming scheme to identify content segments in a CCN network. In particular, video segments formatted according to MPEG-DASH are available in different quality levels but instead of HTTP, CCN is used for referencing and delivery. Based on the conditions of the network, the DASC client issues interests for segments achieving the best throughput. Due to segment caching within the network, subsequent requests for the same content can be served quicker. As a result, the quality of the video a user receives progressively improves, effectively overcoming bottlenecks in the network. We present two sets of experiments to evaluate the performance of DASC showing that throughput indeed improves. However, the generated overhead is relatively large and the adaptation strategy used for DASH that assumes an end-to-end connection could be revised for the hop-by-hop architecture of CCN.}, keywords = {Content Centric Networking, Dynamic Adaptive Streaming, HTTP Video Streaming, MPEG-DASH}, language = {EN}, location = {Budapest, Hungary}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/ICC2013 -DASH Over CCN.PDF}, talkdate = {2013.06.11}, talktype = {registered}, url = {http://www.ieee-icc.org} }
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