A Network Traffic and Player Movement Model to Improve Networking for Competitive Online Games (bibtex)
@InProceedings{Moll2018c, author = {Moll, Philipp and Lux, Mathias and Theuermann, Sebastian and Hellwagner, Hermann}, title = {{A Network Traffic and Player Movement Model to Improve Networking for Competitive Online Games}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the OAGM Workshop 2018}, year = {2018}, pages = {89--89}, month = {Mai}, abstract = {The popularity of computer games and e-sports is enormously high and still growing every year. Despite the popularity computer games often rely on old technologies, especially in the field of networking. Research in networking for games is challenging due to the low availability of up-todate datasets and network traces. In order to achieve a high user satisfaction while keeping the network activity as low as possible, modern networking solutions of computer games take players’ activities as well as closeness of players in the game world into account. In this paper, we analyze the Battle Royale game mode of the online multiplayer game Fortnite, where 100 players challenge each other in a king-of-the-hill like game within a constantly contracting game world, as an example for a popular online game with demanding technical requirements. We extrapolate player movement patterns by finding player positions automatically from videos, uploaded by Fortnite players on popular streaming platforms and show, how they influence network traffic from the client to the server and vice versa. This extended abstract features the highlights of [1], which has been accepted at the NetGames 2018 event.}, doi = {10.3217/978-3-85125-603-1-17}, url = {http://diglib.tugraz.at/proceedings-of-the-oagm-workshop-2018-2018} }
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