Relevance Segmentation of Laparoscopic Videos (bibtex)
@InProceedings{Muenzer2013b, author = {Münzer, Bernd and Schoeffmann, Klaus and Böszörmenyi, Laszlo}, booktitle = {IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM2013)}, title = {Relevance Segmentation of Laparoscopic Videos}, year = {2013}, address = {Anaheim, CA, USA}, editor = {Liao, Anthony Y H}, month = {dec}, pages = {84-91}, publisher = {IEEE}, abstract = {In recent years, it became common to record video footage of laparoscopic surgeries. This leads to large video archives that are very hard to manage. They often contain a considerable portion of completely irrelevant scenes which waste storage capacity and hamper an efficient retrieval of relevant scenes. In this paper we (1) define three classes of irrelevant segments, (2) propose visual feature extraction methods to obtain irrelevance indicators for each class and (3) present an extensible framework to detect irrelevant segments in laparoscopic videos. The framework includes a training component that learns a prediction model using nonlinear regression with a generalized logistic function and a segment composition algorithm that derives segment boundaries from the fuzzy frame classifications. The experimental results show that our method performs very good both for the classification of individual frames and the detection of segment boundaries in videos and enables considerable storage space savings.}, language = {DE}, location = {Anaheim, CA, USA}, talkdate = {2013.12.11}, talktype = {registered} }
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