EndoXplore: A Web-based Video Explorer for Endoscopic Videos (bibtex)
@InProceedings{Muenzer2017b, author = {Münzer, Bernd and Schoeffmann, Klaus and Böszörmenyi, Laszlo}, booktitle = {IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM2017)}, title = {EndoXplore: A Web-based Video Explorer for Endoscopic Videos}, year = {2017}, address = {Taichung, Taiwan}, editor = {Chang, Kang-Ming and Chang, Wen-Thong}, month = {dec}, pages = {2}, publisher = {IEEE}, abstract = {The rapidly increasing volume of videos recorded in the course of endoscopic screenings and surgeries poses demanding challenges to video retrieval and browsing systems. Surgeons typically have to use standard video players to retrospectively review their procedures, which is an extremely cumbersome and time-consuming process. We present an HTML5-based video explorer that is specially tailored to this purpose and enables a time-efficient post-operative review of procedures. It incorporates various interactive browsing mechanisms as well as domain-specific content-based features based on previous research results. Preliminary interviews with surgeons indicate that this tool can considerably improve retrieval and browsing efficiency for users in the medical domain and allows surgeons to more easily and quickly revisit specific moments in recordings of their endoscopic surgeries.}, language = {EN}, location = {Taichung, Taiwan}, talkdate = {2017.12.11}, talktype = {poster} }
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