Framework for 4d user interfaces (bibtex)
@TechReport{Oberbichler2007a, author = {Oberbichler, Alexander and Böszörmenyi, Laszlo}, institution = {Institute of Information Technology ({ITEC}), Klagenfurt University}, title = {Framework for 4d user interfaces}, year = {2007}, address = {Klagenfurt, Austria}, month = apr, number = {TR/ITEC/07/2.01}, abstract = {Time- or history-management systems are implemented in a lot of existing applications. The visited web pages in browsers, the undoing list in nearly every editor or the recorded differences in version control systems are only some examples where time-based information plays an important role. Every kind of information (no matter if we talk about the last headlines in the newspaper or the last user inputs on the workstation) without an explicit date description is nearly useless. Due this fact we are wondering why no global time axis for recording general time-based information is integrated in today’s operating systems. We will introduce a time model to record all kinds of user actions and general time-based events as well. As a second part we will analyze how the visual output system can profit from such a global time axis as well. Up to now it takes a great effort to implement animated user interfaces and so they are rarely found on today’s software market. With the global conjunction of time it is possible to generate animations automatically for every kind of information. We explore the ways of using the time dimension for information presentation (for timely and not timely information as well). We will evaluate these so-called 4D user interfaces1 and introduce a programming model to take advantage of the time-dimension in multiple ways.}, language = {EN}, pages = {18} }
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