Report from the MMM Special Session Perspectives on Multimedia Analytics (bibtex)
@Article{PorJonsson2016, author = {Por Jonsson, Björn and Gurrin, Cathal and Schoeffmann, Klaus}, journal = {ACM SIGMultimedia Records}, title = {Report from the MMM Special Session Perspectives on Multimedia Analytics}, year = {2016}, month = {may}, number = {2}, pages = {1-2}, volume = {2016}, abstract = {This report summarizes the presentations and discussions of the special session entitled “Perspectives on Multimedia Analytics” at MMM 2016, which was held in Miami, Florida on January 6, 2016. The special session consisted of four brief paper presentations, followed by a panel discussion with questions from the audience. The session was organized by Björn Þór Jónsson and Cathal Gurrin, and chaired and moderated by Klaus Schoeffmann. The goal of this report is to record the conclusions of the special session, in the hope that it may serve members of our community who are interested in Multimedia Analytics.}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, language = {EN}, publisher = {ACM} }
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