Self-Organized Inter-Destination Multimedia Synchronization For Adaptive Media Streaming (bibtex)
@InProceedings{Rainer2014_ACM_MM_SELFORG, author = {Rainer, Benjamin and Timmerer, Christian}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 22st ACM International Conference on Multimedia}, title = {Self-Organized Inter-Destination Multimedia Synchronization For Adaptive Media Streaming}, year = {2014}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, editor = {ACM,}, month = {nov}, pages = {10}, publisher = {ACM}, abstract = {Social networks have become pervasive and have changed the way of social interaction. The traditional TV experience drifts from an event tied to a certain place with the family or friends to a location-independent and distributed social experience. Additionally, more and more video on-demand services adopt a pull-based streaming approach. In order to provide a synchronized and distributed TV experience we introduce a self-organized Inter-Destination Multimedia Synchronization (IDMS) framework for adaptive media streaming. In particular, we extend the principles of IDMS to adaptive media streaming over HTTP (i.e., MPEG-DASH) and enable a synchronized multimedia playback among geographically distributed clients. Therefore, we introduce session management to MPEG-DASH and for negotiating on a reference playback timestamp among the participating peers in an IDMS session we propose a distributed control scheme. We evaluate our proposed scheme with respect to scalability and time required for negotiating on the reference playback timestamp. Furthermore, we investigate how to compensate the identified asynchronism by using adaptive media playout with respect to the Quality of Experience (QoE). Therefore, we define a temporal distortion measure for audio and video which allows us to model the impact of playback rate variations on the QoE. This measure is evaluated by conducting a subjective quality assessment using crowdsourcing.}, isbn13 = {-}, keywords = {Inter-Destination Multimedia Synchronization, Adaptive Media Streaming, Self-Organization, Quality of Experience, Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP}, language = {EN}, location = {Orlando, Florida}, pdf = {}, talkdate = {2014.11.03}, talktype = {registered}, url = {} }
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