Dynamic and Distributed Multimedia Content Adaptation based on the MPEG-21 Multimedia Framework (bibtex)
@InProceedings{Ransburg2008, author = {Ransburg, Michael and Timmerer, Christian and Hellwagner, Hermann}, booktitle = {Multimedia Semantics: The role of Metadata}, title = {Dynamic and Distributed Multimedia Content Adaptation based on the MPEG-21 Multimedia Framework}, year = {2008}, address = {Berlin, Heidelberg, New York}, editor = {Lux, Mathias and Granitzer, Michael and Spaniol, Marc}, month = feb, pages = {3-24}, publisher = {Springer}, abstract = {Today, there are many technologies in place to establish an infrastructure for the delivery and consumption of multimedia content. In practice, however, several elements of such an infrastructure are often stand-alone systems and a big picture of how these elements relate to each other or even fit together is not available. Therefore, MPEG-21 aims to provide an open framework for interoperable multimedia delivery and consumption. This requirement for interoperability results in a great diversity of XML-based metadata, which describes the media data on semantic or syntactic levels, in order to make it more accessible to the user. This metadata can be of considerable size, which leads to problems in streaming scenarios. Other than media data, XML metadata has no concept of samples, thus inhibiting streamed (and timed) processing, which is natural for media data. In order to address the challenges and requirements resulting from this situation, the concept of streaming instructions is introduced. These streaming instructions facilitate the fragmentation of content-related metadata, the association of media and metadata fragments with each other, and the synchronized streaming and processing of those fragments. Based on these capabilities, a dynamic and distributed multimedia content adaptation framework can be built.}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-77473-0_1}, isbn10 = {3540774726}, isbn13 = {978-3540774723}, language = {EN}, talktype = {none} }
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