A User Study of Visual Search Performance of Interactive 2D and 3D Storyboards (bibtex)
@InProceedings{SchoeffmannAMR2011, author = {Schoeffmann, Klaus and Ahlström, David and Böszörmenyi, Laszlo}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Workshop on Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval (AMR2011), LNCS 7836}, title = {A User Study of Visual Search Performance of Interactive 2D and 3D Storyboards}, year = {2013}, address = {Barcelona, Spain}, editor = {Detyniecki, M and Garcia-Serrano, A and Nürnberger, A and Stober, S}, month = {jul}, pages = {18-32}, publisher = {Springer}, language = {EN}, location = {Berlin Heidelberg}, talkdate = {2011.7.15}, talktype = {registered} }
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