An alternative way of providing QoS without support from the network (bibtex)
@TechReport{Spielvogel2004, author = {Spielvogel, Christian and Böszörmenyi, Laszlo}, institution = {Institute of Information Technology ({ITEC}), Klagenfurt University}, title = {An alternative way of providing QoS without support from the network}, year = {2004}, address = {Klagenfurt, Austria}, month = {jan}, abstract = {We argue for the need of a tool that is able to provide QoS aware server applications with accurate information about current as well as predicted network characteristics. To address this issue, we present the design and evaluation of DANEF - a system that is able to estimate, process and forecast bottleneck bandwidth, available bandwidth, delay, jitter and loss of a certain path. Active measurements are performed by sending small ICMP packet trains and forecasts are performed by applying fast allgorithms that need only small initialization sets. The accuracy of the measurements is achieved by applying an efficient and innovative filtering mechanism, the correctness of the forecasts is achieved by dynamically selecting the best fitting forecast model and by considering the forecast error of previous samples. Our evaluation has shown that DANEF's measurement results are significantly more precise than those yield by the 5 most widely used tools called Bprobe, Cprobe, Pathload, Pathchar and Network Weather Service.}, language = {EN}, pages = {15} }
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