Efficient Processing of MPEG-21 Metadata in the Binary Domain (bibtex)
@InProceedings{Timmerer2005d, author = {Timmerer, Christian and Frank, Thomas and Hellwagner, Hermann and Heuer, Jörg and Hutter, Andreas}, booktitle = {Proc. SPIE}, title = {Efficient Processing of MPEG-21 Metadata in the Binary Domain}, year = {2005}, address = {Boston}, editor = {Vetro, Anthony and Wen Chen, Chang and Kuo, C-C Jay and Zhang, Tong and Tian, Qi and Smith, John R}, month = oct, pages = {32-43}, publisher = {Spie}, series = {Multimedia Systems and Applications VIII}, abstract = {XML-based metadata is widely adopted across the different communities and plenty of commercial and open source tools for processing and transforming are available on the market. However, all of these tools have one thing in common: they operate on plain text encoded metadata which may become a burden in constrained and streaming environments, i.e., when metadata needs to be processed together with multimedia content on the fly. In this paper we present an efficient approach for transforming such kind of metadata which are encoded using MPEG's Binary Format for Metadata (BiM) without additional en-/decoding overheads, i.e., within the binary domain. Therefore, we have developed an event-based push parser for BiM encoded metadata which transforms the metadata by a limited set of processing instructions – based on traditional XML transformation techniques - operating on bit patterns instead of cost-intensive string comparisons.}, keywords = {universal multimedia access, multimedia adaptation, compressed-domain metadata processing, bitstream adaptation in constrained and streaming environments, MPEG-21, Digital Item Adaptation, generic Bitstream Syntax Description}, language = {EN}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/Efficient Processing of MPEG-21 Metadata in the Binary Domain.pdf}, talktype = {none} }
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