The MPEG-21 Multimedia Framework: Conversions and Permissions (bibtex)
@InProceedings{Timmerer2006, author = {Timmerer, Christian and DeMartini, Thomas and Hellwagner, Hermann}, booktitle = {D A CH Security 2006}, title = {The MPEG-21 Multimedia Framework: Conversions and Permissions}, year = {2006}, address = {Düsseldorf}, editor = {Horster, Patrick}, month = mar, pages = {225-235}, publisher = {IT Security \& IT Management}, abstract = {In the area of multimedia computing and communication, one of the major objectives currently being pursued is Universal Multimedia Access (UMA), i.e., enabling users to transparently access any kind of content from anywhere, anytime, with any device. In the course of the MPEG-21 (Multimedia Framework) activities, the ISO/IEC MPEG standardization group has created essential building blocks toward this goal, mainly metadata standards. Two of them are worth noting here: (1) the Digital Item Adaptation (DIA) specification, including normative vocabulary and formats to describe the multimedia consumption context (device, network, natural environment characteristics, user preferences) and to steer media adaptation operations required for UMA; (2) the Rights Expression Language (REL) and Rights Data Dictionary (RDD) specifications, providing terms and a language to express permissions on the usage of the media (who, how, what, under which conditions). In this paper, we describe a recent MPEG-21 DIA Amendment in this area, specifying description formats for: (1) multimedia conversion capabilities, which tool or service providers may use to normatively specify the media adaptation (conversion) capabilities of their tools or services, respectively; (2) permissions and conditions for multimedia conversions, which can be utilized by content providers to determine which adaptations (changes) are permitted on their contents under what conditions. The latter description format embeds media adaptation descriptions into rights expressions, filling a gap between DIA and REL/RDD. In the paper, a use case illustrating a complex UMA scenario justifies the need for these descriptions. Exemplary conversions and permissions descriptions that apply to this use case as well as detailed explanations will be given in the main portion of the paper.}, issn = {3-00-018166-0}, language = {EN}, pdf = { MPEG-21 multimedia framework.pdf}, talktype = {none} }
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