Sensory Effects for Ambient Experiences in the World Wide Web (bibtex)
@Article{Waltl2012_MTAP, author = {Waltl, Markus and Timmerer, Christian and Rainer, Benjamin and Hellwagner, Hermann}, journal = {Multimedia Tools and Applications}, title = {Sensory Effects for Ambient Experiences in the World Wide Web}, year = {2012}, month = {may}, number = {-}, pages = {1--20}, volume = {-}, abstract = {More and more content in various formats becomes available via the WorldWideWeb (WWW). Currently availableWeb browsers are able to access and interpret these contents (i.e., Web videos, text, image, and audio). These contents stimulate only senses like audition or vision. Recently, it has been proposed to stimulate also other senses while consuming multimedia content, through so-called sensory effects. These sensory effects aim to enhance the ambient experience by providing effects such as light, wind, vibration, etc. The effects are represented as Sensory Effect Metadata (SEM) description which is associated to multimedia content and is rendered on devices like fans, vibration chairs, or lamps. In this paper we present two subjective quality assessments which comprise sensory effects, such as light, in the area of the WWW and their results achieved. The first assessment evaluates the influence of light effects on the Quality of Experience (QoE). The second assessment measures the impact of different settings for the color calculation on the viewing experience. Furthermore, we describe a Web browser plug-in for Mozilla Firefox which is able to render such sensory effects that are provided via the WWW.}, address = {Berlin, Heidelberg, New York}, doi = {10.1007/s11042-012-1099-8}, keywords = {World Wide Web, MPEG-V, Subjective quality assessment, Sensory effects, Quality of multimedia experience}, language = {EN}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, url = {} }
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