The Impact of Sensory Effects on the Quality of Multimedia Experience (bibtex)
@PhdThesis{Waltl2013_PhD, author = {Waltl, Markus}, school = {Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt}, title = {The Impact of Sensory Effects on the Quality of Multimedia Experience}, year = {2013}, month = {feb}, abstract = {Multimedia content is omnipresent in our life. Thus, one can consume content through various distribution channels such as a DVD, Blu-Ray, or the Internet. Recently, 3D video gained more and more importance and a lot of movies presented in cinemas are 3D. Currently, research on additional constituents such as light and scent effects for further enhancing the viewing experience is conducted. As this research is taken up by more and more researchers and companies, the Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) ratified the MPEG-V standard, referred to as Media Context and Control, which allows the annotation of multimedia content with additional effects (e.g., light, wind, vibration) and render these effects synchronized to the multimedia content. Due to this fairly new research area, there are only a few subjective quality assessments evaluating such effects. Moreover, standardized assessment methods cannot be used as originally developed since they are optimized for audio-visual quality evaluations. Thus, this work lists and describes existing subjective quality assessment methods suitable for conducting assessments comprising multimedia content, especially videos, enriched by sensory effects (i.e., light, wind, and vibration). As there is a lack of suitable software for rendering sensory effects, this work introduces a multimedia player for playing multimedia content accompanied by sensory effects. Moreover, in this work, we performed four subjective quality assessments answering the following questions: (1) Do sensory effects enhance the viewing experience for different genres? (2) Do sensory effects have an influence on the perceived video quality? (3) Do light effects enhance the viewing experience for Web videos? (4) Do sensory effects have an impact on the perceived emotions while watching a video? Therefore, this work presents these subjective quality assessments including a detailed description of the assessments and their results. Moreover, this work introduces a dataset consisting of video sequences annotated with sensory effects for conducting subjective quality assessments. Finally, some recommendations for performing assessments comprising sensory effects which have been extracted from the conducted subjective quality assessments are given.}, language = {EN}, pages = {234}, pdf = {} }
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