User Intentions in Digital Photo Production: A Test Data Set (bibtex)
@InProceedings{lux2014user, author = {Lux, Mathias and Xhura, Desara and Kopper, Alexander}, booktitle = {MultiMedia Modeling}, title = {User Intentions in Digital Photo Production: A Test Data Set}, year = {2014}, address = {Heidelberg, New York}, editor = {Currin, C and Hopfgartner, F and Hurst, W and Johansen, H and Lee, H and O’Connor, N}, month = {jan}, pages = {172--182}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, series = {LNCS}, abstract = {Taking a photo with a digital camera or camera phone is a process triggered by a certain motivation. People want for instance to document the progress of a task, others want to preserve a moment of joy. In this contribution we present an openly available dataset with 1,309 photos along with annotations specifying the intentions of the photographers. This data set is the result of a large survey on Flickr and shall provide a common basis for joint research on user intentions in photo production. The survey data was validated using Amazon Mechanical Turk. Besides discussing the process of creating the data set we also present information of the structure and give statistics on the data set.}, language = {EN}, location = {Dublin, Ireland}, talkdate = {2014.01.09}, talktype = {poster} }
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