Stream Reasoning-Based Control of Caching Strategies in CCN Routers (bibtex)
@InProceedings{martinadez2017, author = {Beck, Harald and Bierbaumer, Bruno and Dao-Tran, Minh and Eiter, Thomas and Hellwagner, Hermann and Schekotihin, Konstantin}, booktitle = {Communications (ICC), 2017 IEEE International Conference on}, title = {Stream Reasoning-Based Control of Caching Strategies in CCN Routers}, year = {2017}, address = {Paris, France}, editor = {Beylat, Jean Luc and Sari, Hikmet}, month = {may}, pages = {6}, publisher = {IEEE}, abstract = {Routers in Content-Centric Networking (CCN) may locally cache frequently requested content in order to speed up delivery to end users. Thus, the issue of caching strategies arises, i.e., which content shall be stored and when it should be replaced. In this work, we employ, and study the feasibility of, novel techniques towards intelligent control of CCN routers that autonomously switch between existing caching strategies in response to changing content request patterns. In particular, we present a router architecture for CCN networks that is controlled by rule-based stream reasoning, following the recent formal framework LARS which extends Answer Set Programming for streams. The obtained possibility for flexible router configuration at runtime allows for versatile network control schemes and may help advance the further development of CCN. Moreover, the empirical evaluation of our feasibility study shows that the resulting caching agent may give significant performance gains.}, doi = {10.1109/ICC.2017.7996762}, isbn10 = {978-1-4673-8999-0}, issn = {1938-1883}, keywords = {Cognition, Internet, Switches, Next generation networking, Programming, Computer architecture, Robots}, language = {EN}, location = {Paris}, talkdate = {2017.05.23}, talktype = {registered} }
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