Live Transcoding and Streaming-as-a-Service with Low Delay and High QoE (bibtex)
@InProceedings{timmerer2016_NAB, author = {Timmerer, Christian and Weinberger, Daniel and Smole, Martin and Grandl, Reinhard and Mueller, Christopher and Lederer, Stefan}, booktitle = {2016 NAB Broadcast Engineering Conference Proceedings \& CD}, title = {Live Transcoding and Streaming-as-a-Service with Low Delay and High QoE}, year = {2016}, address = {Washington DC, USA}, editor = {available, not}, month = {apr}, pages = {4}, publisher = {National Association of Broadcasters (NAB)}, language = {EN}, location = {Las Vegas, NV, USA}, pdf = {}, talkdate = {2016.04.20}, talktype = {registered} }
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