% Categories: ALICANTE % Encoding: utf-8 @Article{timmerer2014_jsac, author = {Timmerer, Christian and Griwodz, Carsten and Begen, Ali Cengiz and Stockhammer, Thomas and Girod, Bernd}, journal = {IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications}, title = {Guest Editorial: Adaptive Media Streaming}, year = {2014}, month = {apr}, number = {4}, pages = {681-683}, volume = {32}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, keywords = {Adaptive Media Streaming, DASH}, language = {EN}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/06774588.pdf}, publisher = {IEEE Communications Society} } @InCollection{Timmerer2014_QuASE, author = {Timmerer, Christian and Waltl, Markus and Rainer, Benjamin and Murray, Niall}, booktitle = {Quality of Experience: Advanced Concepts, Applications and Methods}, publisher = {Springer}, title = {Sensory Experience: Quality of Experience Beyond Audio-Visual}, year = {2014}, address = {Heidelberg}, editor = {Möller, Sebastian and Raake, Alexander}, month = {mar}, pages = {351-365}, abstract = {This chapter introduces the concept of Sensory Experience which aims to define the Quality of Experience (QoE) going beyond audio-visual content. In particular, we show how to utilize sensory effects such as ambient light, scent, wind, or vibration as additional dimensions contributing to the quality of the user experience. Therefore, we utilize a standardized representation format for sensory effects that are attached to traditional multimedia resources such as audio, video, and image contents. Sensory effects are rendered on special devices (e.g., fans, lights, motion chair, scent emitter) in synchronization with the traditional multimedia resources and shall stimulate also other senses than hearing and seeing with the intention to increase the Quality of Experience (QoE), in this context referred to as Sensory Experience.}, keywords = {Quality of Experience, Quality of Sensory Experience, MPEG-V, Sensory Effects}, language = {EN} } @Article{Timmerer2014_MMC, author = {Timmerer, Christian and Waltl, Markus and Rainer, Benjamin and Lederer, Stefan and Hellwagner, Hermann}, journal = {IEEE Multimedia Communications Technical Committee E-Letter}, title = {Enhancing 3D Video to enable a Fully Immersive Sensory Experiences}, year = {2014}, month = {jan}, number = {1}, pages = {23-26}, volume = {9}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, language = {EN}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/E-Letter-Jan2014.pdf}, publisher = {IEEE Communications Society [online]}, url = {http://committees.comsoc.org/mmc/e-news/E-Letter-Jan2014.pdf} } @InProceedings{Waltl2013_QoMEX2013_4DPlayer, author = {Waltl, Markus and Rainer, Benjamin and Lederer, Stefan and Timmerer, Christian and Gassner, Katharina and Terlutter, Ralf}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX'13)}, title = {A 4D Multimedia Player enabling Sensory Experience}, year = {2013}, address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA}, editor = {Timmerer, Christian and Le Callet, Patrick and Varela, Martin and Winkler, Stefan and Falk, Tiago H}, month = {jul}, pages = {126-127}, publisher = {IEEE}, abstract = {Lately, 3D is gaining momentum in cinemas and home environments. However, 2D and 3D video content only stimulates senses like hearing and seeing. In this paper we focus on a more enhanced level of entertainment by presenting a 4D multimedia player and a corresponding demonstration setup, which stimulates further senses such as haptics using the MPEG-V: Media Context and Control standard. The presented demonstration setup uses stereoscopic 3D and sensory devices, i.e., fans, vibration panels and lights. The combination of conventional 3D content with tailored sensory effects allows us to further enhance the viewing experience of the users.}, isbn13 = {-}, keywords = {3D, 4D, Sensory Effects, Sensory Experience, MPEG-V}, language = {EN}, location = {Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, Austria}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/QoMEX2013_4DPlayer.pdf}, talkdate = {2013.07.04}, talktype = {poster}, url = {http://www.qomex2013.org} } @PhdThesis{Waltl2013_PhD, author = {Waltl, Markus}, school = {Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt}, title = {The Impact of Sensory Effects on the Quality of Multimedia Experience}, year = {2013}, month = {feb}, abstract = {Multimedia content is omnipresent in our life. Thus, one can consume content through various distribution channels such as a DVD, Blu-Ray, or the Internet. Recently, 3D video gained more and more importance and a lot of movies presented in cinemas are 3D. Currently, research on additional constituents such as light and scent effects for further enhancing the viewing experience is conducted. As this research is taken up by more and more researchers and companies, the Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) ratified the MPEG-V standard, referred to as Media Context and Control, which allows the annotation of multimedia content with additional effects (e.g., light, wind, vibration) and render these effects synchronized to the multimedia content. Due to this fairly new research area, there are only a few subjective quality assessments evaluating such effects. Moreover, standardized assessment methods cannot be used as originally developed since they are optimized for audio-visual quality evaluations. Thus, this work lists and describes existing subjective quality assessment methods suitable for conducting assessments comprising multimedia content, especially videos, enriched by sensory effects (i.e., light, wind, and vibration). As there is a lack of suitable software for rendering sensory effects, this work introduces a multimedia player for playing multimedia content accompanied by sensory effects. Moreover, in this work, we performed four subjective quality assessments answering the following questions: (1) Do sensory effects enhance the viewing experience for different genres? (2) Do sensory effects have an influence on the perceived video quality? (3) Do light effects enhance the viewing experience for Web videos? (4) Do sensory effects have an impact on the perceived emotions while watching a video? Therefore, this work presents these subjective quality assessments including a detailed description of the assessments and their results. Moreover, this work introduces a dataset consisting of video sequences annotated with sensory effects for conducting subjective quality assessments. Finally, some recommendations for performing assessments comprising sensory effects which have been extracted from the conducted subjective quality assessments are given.}, language = {EN}, pages = {234}, pdf = {http://ubdocs.uni-klu.ac.at/open/hssvoll/AC10774907.pdf} } @Article{Waltl2012_MPEGVSI, author = {Waltl, Markus and Rainer, Benjamin and Timmerer, Christian and Hellwagner, Hermann}, journal = {Signal Processing: Image Communication}, title = {An End-to-End tool chain for sensory experience based on MPEG-V}, year = {2013}, month = {feb}, number = {2}, pages = {136--150}, volume = {28}, abstract = {This paper provides an overview of our research conducted in the area of Sensory Experience including our implementations using MPEG-V Part 3 entitled ”Sensory Information”. MPEG-V Part 3 introduces Sensory Experience as a tool to increase the Quality of Experience by annotating traditional multimedia data with sensory effects. These sensory effects are rendered on special devices like fans, vibration chairs, ambient lights, scent disposers, water sprayers, or heating/cooling devices stimulating senses beyond the traditional ones. The paper's main focus is on the end-to-end aspects including the generation, transmission, and synchronized rendering of sensory effects with the traditional multimedia data taking movie clips as an example. Therefore, we present in this paper an open source tool chain that provides a complete end-to-end sensory effect generation and consumption framework. Furthermore, we summarize results from various subjective quality assessments conducted in this area. Finally, we point out research challenges that may encourage further research within this emerging domain.}, address = {Amsterdam, Netherlands}, doi = {10.1016/j.image.2012.10.009}, keywords = {Quality of Experience; Sensory Experience; Subjective Quality Assessment; Experimental Results; MPEG-V; Annotation Tool; Simulation Tool; Web Browser Plug-in; Sensory Information}, language = {EN}, publisher = {Elsevier}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.image.2012.10.009} } @InProceedings{Timmerer2013_QoMEX2013_UtilityModel, author = {Timmerer, Christian and Rainer, Benjamin and Markus, Waltl}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX'13)}, title = {A Utility Model for Sensory Experience}, year = {2013}, address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA}, editor = {Timmerer, Christian and Le Callet, Patrick and Varela, Martin and Winkler, Stefan and Falk, Tiago H}, month = {jul}, pages = {224-229}, publisher = {IEEE}, abstract = {Enriching multimedia with additional effects such as olfaction, light, wind, or vibration is gaining more and more momentum in both research and industry. Hence, there is the need to determine the influence of individual effects on the Quality of Experience (QoE). In this paper, we present a subjective quality assessment using the MPEG-V standard to annotate video sequences with individual sensory effects (i.e., wind, light, and vibration) and all combinations thereof. Based on the results we derive a utility model for sensory experience that accounts for the assessed sensory effects. Finally, we provide an example instantiation of the utility model and validate it against current and past results of our subjective quality assessments conducted so far.}, isbn13 = {-}, keywords = {Quality of Multimedia Experience, Sensory Effects, MPEG-V, Sensory Experience, Utility Model}, language = {EN}, location = {Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, Austria}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/QoMEX2013_UtilityModel.pdf}, talkdate = {2013.07.05}, talktype = {registered}, url = {http://www.qomex2013.org} } @InProceedings{Rainer_2013_PQS, author = {Rainer, Benjamin and Timmerer, Christian and Waltl, Markus}, booktitle = {4th International Workshop on Perceptual Quality of Systems 2013 (PQS 2013)}, title = {Recommendations for the Subjective Evaluation of Sensory Experience}, year = {2013}, address = {Vienna, Austria}, editor = {Schatz, Raimund}, month = {sep}, pages = {1-6}, publisher = {IEEE}, abstract = {Selecting and adopting the appropriate assessment method for conducting subjective quality assessments is a challenging task. The method decides whether the assessment is successful in delivering the correct answers to previously set up hypotheses. Therefore, in this paper we provide recommendations on test methods used in the domain of Sensory Experience. The proposed test methods comprise single stimulus and double stimulus methods. These test methods were used in previous studies and are presented in combination with the results of the subjective quality assessments with which they were used. Furthermore, we briefly outline our test setup, test design, and test content for assessing Sensory Experience which have been validated through conducted assessments.}, keywords = {Subjective Evaluation Methods; Sensory Experience; Recommendations}, language = {EN}, location = {Vienna, Austria}, talkdate = {2013.09.03}, talktype = {registered} } @InProceedings{Rainer2013_QoMEX2013_EvalPlatform, author = {Rainer, Benjamin and Waltl, Markus and Timmerer, Christian}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX'13)}, title = {A Web based Subjective Evaluation Platform}, year = {2013}, address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA}, editor = {Timmerer, Christian and Le Callet, Patrick and Varela, Martin and Winkler, Stefan and Falk, Tiago H}, month = {jul}, pages = {24-25}, publisher = {IEEE}, abstract = {Preparing and conducting subjective quality assessments is a time consuming and expensive task. Therefore, we present a Web-based evaluation framework which aims on reducing the time needed for planning and designing a subjective quality assessment. The presented framework can be used for both crowdsourced and laboratory experiments. It should ease the task of designing a subjective quality assessment by providing a flexible framework. The framework has proven its applicability and flexibility to design and conduct assessments in the past and is available as open source.}, isbn13 = {-}, keywords = {Evaluation Platform, Crowdsourced Quality Evaluation, Laboratory Quality Evaluation, Quality Assessment Framework}, language = {EN}, location = {Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, Austria}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/QoMEX2013_EvalPlatform.pdf}, talkdate = {2013.07.03}, talktype = {poster}, url = {http://www.qomex2013.org} } @InProceedings{Mueller2013b, author = {Mueller, Christopher and Lederer, Stefan and Pöcher, Jörg and Timmerer, Christian}, booktitle = {In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME) 2013}, title = {libdash – An Open Source Software Library for the MPEG-DASH Standard}, year = {2013}, address = {San Jose, USA}, editor = {Servetti, Antonio and Aydin, Alatan}, month = {jul}, pages = {1-2}, publisher = {IEEE}, abstract = {Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) is an ISO/IEC MPEG standard which enables the convenient and smooth transportation of multimedia data to heterogeneous end devices over networks with variable bandwidth conditions. This kind of streaming technology is mainly used with HTTP 1.0 and 1.1 respectively, which both have some drawbacks. Therefore, the IETF has started the development of HTTP 2.0, which is based on Google’s SPDY proposal and already supported by several major companies, e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Akamai, Mozilla and obviously Google. Furthermore, Content Centric Networking (CCN) is another novel approach for future networks that is considered as an revolutionary approach compared to HTTP 2.0. The CCN communication paradigm is completely different and does not rely on direct connections between hosts, it rather focuses on the content. This paper demonstrates DASH with HTTP 2.0/SPDY and CCN using our universal libdash library. Moreover, different mechanisms of DASH will be shown that can be used to provide on-demand and live content in an efficient and comfortable way.}, language = {EN}, location = {San Jose, USA}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/libdash-demo.pdf}, talkdate = {2013.07.18}, talktype = {poster} } @Article{Mueller2013_MMC, author = {Mueller, Christopher and Lederer, Stefan and Timmerer, Christian}, journal = {IEEE Multimedia Communications Technical Committee E-Letter}, title = {Fair Share Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP}, year = {2013}, month = {mar}, number = {2}, pages = {30-33}, volume = {8}, abstract = {Multimedia delivery over the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is currently very popular and with MPEGs' Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) a standard is available to provide interoperability and enable large-scale deployments using existing infrastructures (servers, proxies, caches, etc.). This paper identifies some issue when multiple DASH clients compete for a bandwidth bottleneck when transparent proxy caches are deployed. Therefore, we propose a fair share adaptation scheme to be included within the client which – through experimental results – achieve a more efficient utilization of the bottleneck bandwidth and less quality switches.}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, keywords = {Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP, DASH, Fair Adaptation, Proxy Cache, Multimedia}, language = {EN}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/E-Letter-March13.pdf}, publisher = {IEEE Communications Society [online]}, url = {http://committees.comsoc.org/mmc/e-news/E-Letter-March13.pdf} } @InProceedings{Mueller2013, author = {Mueller, Christopher and Lederer, Stefan and Timmerer, Christian and Hellwagner, Hermann}, booktitle = {In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME) 2013}, title = {Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP/2.0}, year = {2013}, address = {San Jose, USA}, editor = {Li, Jin}, month = {jul}, pages = {1-6}, publisher = {IEEE}, abstract = {MPEG Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) is a new streaming standard that has been recently ratified as an international standard (IS). In comparison to other streaming systems, e.g., HTTP progressive download, DASH is able to handle varying bandwidth conditions providing smooth streaming. Furthermore, it enables NAT and Firewall traversal, flexible and scalable deployment as well as reduced infrastructure costs due to the reuse of existing Internet infrastructure components, e.g., proxies, caches, and Content Distribution Networks (CDN). Recently, the Hypertext Transfer Protocol Bis (httpbis) working group of the IETF has officially started the development of HTTP 2.0. Initially three major proposals have been submitted to the IETF i.e., Googles' SPDY, Microsofts' HTTP Speed+Mobility and Network-Friendly HTTP Upgrade, but SPDY has been chosen as working draft for HTTP 2.0. In this paper we implemented MPEG-DASH over HTTP 2.0 (i.e., SPDY), demonstrating its potential benefits and drawbacks. Moreover, several experimental evaluations have been performed that compare HTTP 2.0 with HTTP 1.1 and HTTP 1.0 in the context of DASH. In particular, the protocol overhead, the performance for different round trip times, and DASH with HTTP 2.0 in a lab test scenario has been evaluated in detail.}, language = {EN}, location = {San Jose, USA}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/paper_330.pdf}, talkdate = {2013.07.17}, talktype = {registered} } @InProceedings{Liu2013, author = {Liu, Yaning and Geurts, Joost and Point, Jean-Charles and Lederer, Stefan and Rainer, Benjamin and Mueller, Christopher and Timmerer, Christian and Hellwagner, Hermann}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE international Conference on Communication (ICC) 2013 – Next-Generation Networking Symposium}, title = {Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over CCN: A Caching and Overhead Analysis}, year = {2013}, address = {Budapest}, editor = {Mattheisen, Christopher and Murase, Tutomu}, month = {jun}, pages = {2222-2226}, publisher = {IEEE}, abstract = {In this paper, we present our implementation and evaluation of Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over Content centric networking (DASC) which implements MPEG Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) utilizing a Content Centric Networking (CCN) naming scheme to identify content segments in a CCN network. In particular, video segments formatted according to MPEG-DASH are available in different quality levels but instead of HTTP, CCN is used for referencing and delivery. Based on the conditions of the network, the DASC client issues interests for segments achieving the best throughput. Due to segment caching within the network, subsequent requests for the same content can be served quicker. As a result, the quality of the video a user receives progressively improves, effectively overcoming bottlenecks in the network. We present two sets of experiments to evaluate the performance of DASC showing that throughput indeed improves. However, the generated overhead is relatively large and the adaptation strategy used for DASH that assumes an end-to-end connection could be revised for the hop-by-hop architecture of CCN.}, keywords = {Content Centric Networking, Dynamic Adaptive Streaming, HTTP Video Streaming, MPEG-DASH}, language = {EN}, location = {Budapest, Hungary}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/ICC2013 -DASH Over CCN.PDF}, talkdate = {2013.06.11}, talktype = {registered}, url = {http://www.ieee-icc.org} } @InProceedings{Lederer2013c, author = {Lederer, Stefan and Mueller, Christopher and Rainer, Benjamin and Timmerer, Christian and Hellwagner, Hermann}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME) 2013}, title = {An Experimental Analysis of Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP in Content Centric Networks}, year = {2013}, address = {San Jose, USA}, editor = {Wang, Haohong}, month = {jul}, pages = {1-6}, publisher = {IEEE}, abstract = {This paper presents the usage of CCN, which is a candidate for the next-generation Internet, in combination with the new Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) standard, which was recently ratified by ISO/IEC MPEG. In contrast to the Internet Protocol, which is mainly based on the host-to-host connection paradigm originated in the 1970s, Content Centric Networking (CCN) focuses on the content itself, instead of its location. Considering the dominance of multimedia traffic in todays' Internet, the streaming performance of DASH over CCN as well as the problems introduced by this combination is worth to be investigated in detail. Therefore, we evaluate the protocol overhead introduced by the usage of CCN compared to the HTTP versions 1.0 and 1.1. Furthermore, the performance of DASH over CCN under different network conditions is compared to the performance of HTTP 1.0/1.1. Our results showed that although CCN comes together with higher protocol overhead than HTTP 1.0/1.1 as well as a prototype implementation, it can definitely compete with HTTP 1.0 in media streaming. Based on the evaluation results, problems as well as improvement possibilities are identified, which are the basis for future work in this area.}, language = {EN}, location = {San Jose, USA}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/ICME_Overhead-Performance-DASHoverCCN.pdf}, talkdate = {2013.07.18}, talktype = {registered} } @InProceedings{Lederer2013b, author = {Lederer, Stefan and Mueller, Christopher and Rainer, Benjamin and Timmerer, Christian and Hellwagner, Hermann}, booktitle = {In Proceedings of the IEEE ICC'13 - Workshop on Immersive \& Interactive Multimedia Communications over the Future Internet}, title = {Adaptive Streaming over Content Centric Networks in Mobile Networks using Multiple Links}, year = {2013}, address = {Budapest}, editor = {Assuncao, Pedro and Atzori, Luigi and Dagiuklas, Tasos and Kondoz, Ahmet}, month = {jun}, pages = {687-691}, publisher = {IEEE}, abstract = {This paper presents the usage of Content Centric Networking (CCN) for adaptive multimedia streaming in mobile environments, leveraging the recent ISO/IEC MPEG Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) standard. The performance of DASH over CCN is evaluated using real-world mobile bandwidth traces and compared to previous evaluations of different DASH-based as well as proprietary systems. As there are no client-server connections in CCN, it offers the possibility to transfer data from multiple sources as well as over multiple links in parallel, which is definitely an important feature, e.g., for mobile devices offering multiple network links. This functionality is used and evaluated in this paper in combination with DASH, making it possible to dynamically choose the best performing link for media streaming, which is a clear advantage over DASH using HTTP and the TCP/IP protocol stack. The evaluation therefore investigates DASH over CCN in two scenarios using synthetic and real-world mobile bandwidth traces respectively, showing a significantly better performance than conventional DASH using only one connection.}, keywords = {MPEG-DASH, CCN, Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP, Content Centric Networking, Evaluation}, language = {EN}, location = {Budapest, Hungary}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/ICC2013_Mobile_DASHoverCCN.pdf}, talkdate = {2013.06.13}, talktype = {registered}, url = {http://multicomm.diee.unica.it/} } @InProceedings{Lederer2013a, author = {Lederer, Stefan and Mueller, Christopher and Timmerer, Christian and Concolato, Cyril and Le Feuvre, Jean and Fliegel, Karel}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference}, title = {Distributed DASH Dataset}, year = {2013}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, editor = {Griwodz, Carsten}, month = {feb}, pages = {pp. 131-135}, publisher = {ACM}, abstract = {The delivery of multimedia content over HTTP and on top of existing Internet infrastructures is becoming the preferred method within heterogeneous environment. The basic design principle is having an intelligent client which selects given and applicable media representations by issuing HTTP requests for individual segments based on the users' context and current conditions. Typically, this client behavior differs between implementations of the same kind and for the objective evaluations thereof appropriate datasets are needed. This paper presents a distributed dataset for the recently published MPEG-DASH standard which is mirrored at different sites across Europe, namely Klagenfurt, Paris, and Prague. A client implementation may choose to request segments from these sites and dynamically switch to a different location, e.g., in case the one currently used causes any issues. Thus, this distributed DASH dataset can be used for real-world evaluations enabling the simulation of switching between different content delivery networks.}, keywords = {Dataset, Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP, DASH.}, language = {EN}, location = {Oslo, Norway}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/MMSys_CDN_Simulation_Dataset_v2.0.pdf}, talkdate = {2013.02.27}, talktype = {registered}, url = {http://www.mmsys.org/} } @Article{Lederer2013_MMC, author = {Lederer, Stefan and Mueller, Christopher and Grandl, Reinhard and Timmerer, Christian}, journal = {IEEE Multimedia Communications Technical Committee E-Letter}, title = {Adaptive Multimedia Streaming over Information-Centric Networks in Mobile Networks using Multiple Mobile Links}, year = {2013}, month = {nov}, number = {6}, pages = {38-41}, volume = {8}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, language = {EN}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/E-Letter-Nov2013.pdf}, publisher = {IEEE Communications Society [online]}, url = {http://committees.comsoc.org/mmc/e-news/E-Letter-Nov2013.pdf} } @Article{Kud2013_SPIC, author = {Kudumakis, Panos and Sandler, Mark and Anadiotis, Angelos-Christos G and Venieris, Iakovos S and Difino, Angelo and Wang, Xin and Tropea, Giuseppe and Grafl, Michael and Rodríguez-Doncel, Víctor and Llorente, Silvia and Delgado, Jaime}, journal = {Signal Processing: Image Communication}, title = {MPEG-M: A Digital Media Ecosystem for Interoperable Applications}, year = {2013}, issn = {09235965}, month = {dec}, pages = {24}, abstract = {MPEG-M is a suite of ISO/IEC standards (ISO/IEC 23006) that has been developed under the auspices of Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG). MPEG-M, also known as Multimedia Service Platform Technologies (MSPT), facilitates a collection of multimedia middleware APIs and elementary services as well as service aggregation so that service providers can offer users a plethora of innovative services by extending current IPTV technology toward the seamless integration of personal content creation and distribution, e-commerce, social networks and Internet distribution of digital media.}, address = {Amsterdam, Netherlands}, doi = {10.1016/j.image.2013.10.006}, language = {EN}, publisher = {Elsevier}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.image.2013.10.006} } @InProceedings{Grafl2013_ViDEv, author = {Grafl, Michael and Timmerer, Christian and Hellwagner, Hermann and Cherif, Wael and Ksentini, Adlen}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd {IEEE} {WoWMoM} Workshop on Video Everywhere ({ViDEv} 2013)}, title = {Evaluation of Hybrid Scalable Video Coding for {HTTP}-based Adaptive Media Streaming with High-Definition Content}, year = {2013}, address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA}, editor = {Todd, Terence D and Paterakis, Michael}, month = {jun}, pages = {7}, publisher = {IEEE}, abstract = {Scalable Video Coding (SVC) in media streaming enables dynamic adaptation based on device capabilities and network conditions. In this paper, we investigate deployment options of SVC for Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) with a special focus on scalability options, which are relevant for dynamic adaptation, especially in wireless and mobile environments. We evaluate the performance of SVC with respect to spatial and quality scalability options and compare it to non-scalable Advanced Video Coding (AVC). Performance evaluations are performed for various encoder implementations with high-definition (1080p) content. We show that a hybrid approach with multiple independent SVC bitstreams can have advantages in storage requirements at comparable rate-distortion performance.}, keywords = {scalable video coding; HTTP streaming; adaptation; high-definition; hybrid SVC-DASH}, language = {EN}, location = {Madrid, Spain}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/Hybrid_SVC-DASH.pdf}, talkdate = {2013.06.04}, talktype = {registered} } @PhdThesis{Grafl2013_PhD, author = {Grafl, Michael}, school = {Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt}, title = {Scalable Media Delivery Chain with Distributed Adapation}, year = {2013}, month = {jun}, abstract = {On TV screens, PCs, tablets, and mobile phones, video streaming has become a constant companion in our daily lives. For every video, we expect high visual quality, free from distortions, that is adjusted to the device at hand. But how can streaming systems cope with the increasing network traffic, the subsequent network congestions, and the different characteristics of end-user terminals? This thesis covers approaches for distributed adaptation of scalable video resources in media delivery. Scalable video resources consist of several layers that enable various spatial resolutions, frame rates, or qualities of a content. By dropping some of these layers, the video can be adjusted to the available bandwidth or to a specific end-user terminal. The adaptation can be performed on the sender side, on the receiver side, and on one or more network nodes. Scalable media coding can also help to reduce bandwidth requirements in multicast scenarios (e.g., for IPTV). One popular realization of scalable media coding is the Scalable Video Coding (SVC) standard. This thesis consists of three main parts, addressing various challenges towards efficient SVC adaptation. The first part of this thesis focuses on the encoding of SVC. In order to enable efficient adaptation, the configuration of layers has to be carefully chosen at encoding time. Thus, the performances of various encoding configurations and encoder implementations are evaluated. Furthermore, encoding guidelines for SVC are developed, which are aligned with recommendations of industry streaming solutions. The evaluation results of the developed SVC encoding guidelines suggest that quality scalability should be preferred over spatial scalability for adaptive streaming scenarios. Different resolutions for supporting device classes should rather be provided as separate SVC streams. The second part of this thesis deals with the fact that scalable media formats, such as SVC, are still not widely adopted neither on the sender side nor on the end-user terminal. In order to enable the deployment of SVC for network transmission and to improve the support for streaming to heterogeneous devices, the concept of SVC tunneling is introduced in this thesis. The video is transcoded to SVC at the sender side and then transcoded back to another video format at the receiver side at an advanced home-gateway. However, the transcoding between video formats has a negative impact on the video quality. The trade-off between quality loss and bandwidth efficiency of SVC tunneling is evaluated. SVC tunneling with quality layers enables bandwidth savings at moderate quality loss (approx. 2.5 dB) compared to streaming separate non-scalable representations of the same qualities. In the third part of this thesis, adaptation techniques for content-aware networks are investigated. In content-aware networks, some network nodes are capable to dynamically adapt video streams in reaction to varying network loads. With the increasing adoption of HTTP streaming, adaptation at the client side becomes a main factor for the viewing experience. The switch between two representations (e.g., different bitrates) of a video can disrupt that viewing experience. To reduce the effect of an abrupt quality change, the approach of a smooth transition between representations is developed and evaluated. A subjective user study indicates that this approach can indeed improve the overall viewing quality. Finally, the findings of the previous parts are integrated in an adaptive end-to-end SVC streaming system. Evaluations of this streaming system show that the developed adaptation framework significantly improves the video quality under packet loss (by up to 6 dB) compared to non-adaptive streaming.}, language = {EN}, pages = {264}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/Thesis_mgrafl.pdf} } @InProceedings{Grafl2013_PQS, author = {Grafl, Michael and Timmerer, Christian}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Perceptual Quality of Systems ({PQS} 2013)}, title = {Representation Switch Smoothing for Adaptive {HTTP} Streaming}, year = {2013}, address = {Vienna, Austria}, editor = {Schatz,Raimund and Hoßfeld, Tobias}, month = {sep}, pages = {178-183}, publisher = {FTW}, abstract = {When an adaptive media streaming system has to switch from one representation of the content to another, the switch causes viewer distraction. We introduce the concept of representation switch smoothing for alleviating the distraction and improving the overall quality of experience. As adaptive HTTP streaming systems typically deploy video buffers on the client side, the adaptation decision is known far enough ahead of playout time to perform a seamless transition between quality representations. We discuss implementation considerations for an adaptive HTTP streaming system with scalable video coding, present a subjective evaluation of the proposed approach, and identify factors that influence how smooth transitions are perceived.}, keywords = {adaptive streaming; representation switching; quality of experience}, language = {EN}, location = {Vienna, Austria}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/representation_switch_smoothing.pdf}, talkdate = {2013.09.04}, talktype = {registered} } @InProceedings{Grafl2013_ISCC, author = {Grafl, Michael and Timmerer, Christian and Hellwagner, Hermann and Cherif, Wael and Negru, Daniel and Battista, Stefano}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 18th {IEEE} Symposium on Computers and Communication ({ISCC} 2013)}, title = {Scalable Video Coding Guidelines and Performance Evaluations for Adaptive Media Delivery of High Definition Content}, year = {2013}, address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA}, editor = {Douligeris, Christos and Gotovac, Sven and Vojnović, Milan}, month = {jul}, pages = {6}, publisher = {IEEE}, abstract = {Scalability within media coding allows for content adaptation towards heterogeneous user contexts and enables in-network adaptation. However, there is no straightforward solution how to encode the content in a scalable way while maximizing rate-distortion performance. In this paper we provide encoding guidelines for scalable video coding based on a survey of media streaming industry solutions and a comprehensive performance evaluation using four state of the art scalable video codecs with a focus on high-definition content (1080p).}, keywords = {scalable video coding; adaptation; high-definition video; encoding; adaptive media streaming; content-aware networking}, language = {EN}, location = {Split, Coratia}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/SVC_guide_and_eval.pdf}, talkdate = {2013.07.10}, talktype = {registered} } @Article{Grafl2013_ComCom, author = {Grafl, Michael and Timmerer, Christian and Hellwagner, Hermann and Cherif, Wael and Ksentini, Adlen}, journal = {Computer Communications}, title = {Hybrid Scalable Video Coding for {HTTP}-based Adaptive Media Streaming with High-Definition Content}, year = {2013}, issn = {01403664}, month = {dec}, pages = {11}, abstract = {Scalable Video Coding (SVC) in media streaming enables dynamic adaptation based on device capabilities and network conditions. In this paper, we investigate deployment options of SVC for Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) with a special focus on scalability options, which are relevant for dynamic adaptation, especially in wireless and mobile environments. We establish encoding recommendations and evaluate the performance of SVC with respect to spatial and quality scalability options and compare it to non-scalable Advanced Video Coding (AVC). Performance evaluations are performed for various encoder implementations with high-definition (1080p) content. We show that a hybrid approach with multiple independent SVC bitstreams can have advantages in storage requirements at comparable rate-distortion performance.}, address = {Amsterdam, Netherlands}, language = {EN}, publisher = {Elsevier} } @Article{Grafl2012_MM, author = {Grafl, Michael and Timmerer, Christian and Hellwagner, Hermann and Xilouris, George and Gardikis, Georgios and Renzi, Daniele and Battista, Stefano and Borcoci, Eugen and Negru, Daniel}, journal = {IEEE MultiMedia}, title = {Scalable Media Coding enabling Content-Aware Networking}, year = {2013}, issn = {1070-986X}, month = {apr}, number = {2}, pages = {30-41}, volume = {20}, abstract = {Given that multimedia services are becoming increasingly popular, they are expected to play a dominant role for the Future Internet. In this context, it is essential that Content-Aware Networking (CAN) architectures, as envisaged in the frame of the Future Internet, explicitly address the efficient delivery and processing of multimedia content. This article proposes adopting a content-aware approach into the network infrastructure, thus making it capable of identifying, processing, and manipulating (i.e., adapting, caching, etc.) media streams and objects in real time towards Quality of Service/Experience (QoS/QoE) maximization. Our proposal is built upon the exploitation of scalable media coding technologies within such a content-aware networking environment and is discussed based on four representative use cases for media delivery (unicast, multicast, peer-to-peer, and adaptive HTTP streaming) and with respect to a selection of CAN challenges, specifically flow processing, caching/buffering, and QoS/QoE management.}, address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA}, doi = {http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/MMUL.2012.57}, language = {EN}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/SMC_enabling_CAN.pdf}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society} } @InCollection{Gardikis2013_3DFIM, author = {Gardikis, Georgios and Pallis, Evangelos and Grafl, Michael}, booktitle = {3D Future Internet Media}, publisher = {Springer Science+Business Media, LLC}, title = {Media-Aware Networks in Future Internet Media}, year = {2013}, address = {New York}, editor = {Kondoz, Ahmet and Dagiuklas, Tasos}, month = {dec}, pages = {6}, abstract = {Multimedia (especially video) services constitute a dominant and ever increasing portion of the global Internet traffic, while they are expected to also play a major role in the Future Internet scene. In order to address this reality in the networking domain, a promising perspective is to gradually shift from the current, service-unaware, best-effort nature of IP networks into a network logic which is service-aware – and, in specific, media-aware. This chapter discusses how media-awareness can be introduced in the networking domain in a way which is both feasible and scalable, leveraging at the same time state-of-the-art technologies in video representations, such as Scalable Video Coding (SVC) and Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH).}, doi = {10.1007/978-1-4614-8373-1_7}, language = {EN}, url = {http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-1-4614-8373-1_7} } @InProceedings{Crabtree2013, author = {Crabtree, Barry and Stevens, Tim and Allan, Brahin and Lederer, Stefan and Posch, Daniel and Mueller, Christopher and Timmerer, Christian}, booktitle = {CCNxConn 2013}, title = {Video Adaptation in Limited or Zero Network Coverage}, year = {2013}, address = {Palo Alto}, editor = {Mahadevan, Priya}, month = {sep}, pages = {1-2}, publisher = {PARC}, abstract = {This paper shows how adaptive streaming and on-device caching can be used to provide an always available video service. A DASH client has been extended to deal with periods of zero network connectivity, and seamlessly works in conjunction with CCN to provide local storage that is intelligently updated to provide an improved quality of experience.}, language = {EN}, location = {Palo Alto, CA, USA}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/Video adaptation in limited or zero network coverage-CCNxCon.pdf}, talkdate = {2013.09.06}, talktype = {poster}, url = {http://www.ccnx.org/ccnxcon2013/ccnxcon-2013-official-agenda/} } @InProceedings{Alberti_QoMEX2013_DASH, author = {Alberti, Claudio and Renzi, Daniele and Timmerer, Christian and Mueller, Christopher and Lederer, Stefan and Battista, Stefano and Mattavelli, Marco}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX'13)}, title = {Automated QoE Evaluation of Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP}, year = {2013}, address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA}, editor = {Timmerer, Christian and Le Callet, Patrick and Varela, Martin and Winkler, Stefan and Falk, Tiago}, month = {jul}, pages = {58--63}, publisher = {IEEE}, abstract = {Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) is referred to as a multimedia streaming standard to deliver high quality multimedia content over the Internet using conventional HTTP Web servers. As a fundamental feature, it enables automatic switching of quality levels according to network conditions, user requirements, and expectations. Currently, the proposed adaptation schemes for HTTP streaming mostly rely on throughput measurements and/or buffer-related metrics, such as buffer exhaustion and levels. In this paper, we propose to enhance the DASH adaptation logic by feeding it with additional information from our evaluation of the users' perception approximating the user- perceived quality of video playback. The proposed model aims at conveniently combining TCP-, buffer-, and media content-related metrics as well as user requirements and expectations to be used as an input for the DASH adaptation logic. Experiments have demonstrated that the chosen model enhances the capability of the adaptation logic to select the optimal video quality level. Finally, we integrated all our findings into a real DASH system with QoE monitoring capabilities.}, keywords = {DASH, Quality of Experience, monitoring, content adaptation}, language = {EN}, location = {Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, Austria}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/p20-Alberti.pdf}, talkdate = {2013.07.03}, talktype = {registered} } @InProceedings{Waltl2012_QoMEX2012_SensoryEffects, author = {Waltl, Markus and Timmerer, Christian and Rainer, Benjamin and Hellwagner, Hermann}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX'12)}, title = {Sensory Effect Dataset and Test Setups}, year = {2012}, address = {Yarra Valley, Australia}, editor = {Burnett, Ian and Wu, Henry}, month = {jul}, pages = {115--120}, publisher = {IEEE}, abstract = {Additional constituents for the representation of multimedia content gained more and more attention. For example, the amount of cinemas equipped with additional devices (e.g., ambient light, vibrating seats, wind generators, water sprayers, heater/coolers) that stimulate senses going beyond audition and vision increases. On the content side the MPEG-V standard specifies – among others – Sensory Effect Metadata (SEM) which provides means to describe sensory effects such as wind, vibration, light, etc. to be attached to audio-visual content and, thus, offering an enhanced and immersive experience for the user. However, there is a lack of a common set of test content allowing for various subjective user studies and verification across different test sites. In this paper we provide our dataset comprising a number of videos from different genres enriched with MPEG-V compliant Sensory Effect Metadata descriptions. Furthermore, we describe possible test setups using off-the-shelf hardware for conducting subjective quality assessments.}, isbn13 = {-}, keywords = {Sensory Experience, Sensory Effects, MPEG-V, Dataset, Test Environment}, language = {EN}, location = {Yarra Valley, Australia}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/QoMEX2012_Dataset.pdf}, talkdate = {2012.07.05}, talktype = {registered}, url = {http://www.qomex2012.org} } @Article{Waltl2012_MTAP, author = {Waltl, Markus and Timmerer, Christian and Rainer, Benjamin and Hellwagner, Hermann}, journal = {Multimedia Tools and Applications}, title = {Sensory Effects for Ambient Experiences in the World Wide Web}, year = {2012}, month = {may}, number = {-}, pages = {1--20}, volume = {-}, abstract = {More and more content in various formats becomes available via the WorldWideWeb (WWW). Currently availableWeb browsers are able to access and interpret these contents (i.e., Web videos, text, image, and audio). These contents stimulate only senses like audition or vision. Recently, it has been proposed to stimulate also other senses while consuming multimedia content, through so-called sensory effects. These sensory effects aim to enhance the ambient experience by providing effects such as light, wind, vibration, etc. The effects are represented as Sensory Effect Metadata (SEM) description which is associated to multimedia content and is rendered on devices like fans, vibration chairs, or lamps. In this paper we present two subjective quality assessments which comprise sensory effects, such as light, in the area of the WWW and their results achieved. The first assessment evaluates the influence of light effects on the Quality of Experience (QoE). The second assessment measures the impact of different settings for the color calculation on the viewing experience. Furthermore, we describe a Web browser plug-in for Mozilla Firefox which is able to render such sensory effects that are provided via the WWW.}, address = {Berlin, Heidelberg, New York}, doi = {10.1007/s11042-012-1099-8}, keywords = {World Wide Web, MPEG-V, Subjective quality assessment, Sensory effects, Quality of multimedia experience}, language = {EN}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11042-012-1099-8} } @InProceedings{Waltl2012_MMM, author = {Waltl, Markus and Rainer, Benjamin and Timmerer, Christian and Hellwagner, Hermann}, booktitle = {Advances in Multimedia Modeling}, title = {Enhancing the User Experience with the Sensory Effect Media Player and AmbientLib}, year = {2012}, address = {Berlin, Heidelberg, New York}, editor = {Schoeffmann, Klaus and Merialdo, Bernard and Hauptmann, Alexander and Ngo, Chong-Wah and Andreopoulos, Yiannis and Breiteneder, Christian}, month = {jan}, pages = {624--626}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNCS 7131}, abstract = {Multimedia content is increasingly used in every area of our life. Still, each type of content only stimulates the visual and/or the hearing system. Thus, the user experience depends only on those two stimuli. In this paper we introduce a standard which offers the possibility to add additional effects to multimedia content. Furthermore, we present a multimedia player and a Web browser plug-in which uses this standard to stimulate further senses by using additional sensory effects (i.e., wind, vibration, and light) to enhance the user experience resulting in a unique, worthwhile sensory experience.}, keywords = {MPEG-V, User Experience, Sensory Experience, Media Player, Ambient, World Wide Web}, language = {EN}, location = {Klagenfurt, Austria}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/mwbrcthh_mmm2012.pdf}, talkdate = {2012.01.05}, talktype = {poster} } @InProceedings{Waltl2012_ACMMM_OSSC, author = {Waltl, Markus and Rainer, Benjamin and Timmerer, Christian and Hellwagner, Hermann}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 20th ACM Multimedia (MM'12)}, title = {A Toolset for the Authoring, Simulation, and Rendering of Sensory Experiences}, year = {2012}, address = {Nara, Japan}, editor = {Babaguchi, Noboru and Aizawa, Kiyoharu and Smith, John}, month = {oct}, pages = {1469-1472}, publisher = {ACM}, abstract = {This paper describes a toolset for the authoring, simulating, and rendering of multimedia content annotated with Sensory Effect Metadata (SEM) descriptions as specified in Part 3 of the MPEG V standard. This part of MPEG-V standardizes the description of sensory effects (e.g., light, wind) in order to be rendered on sensory devices (e.g., fans, vibration chairs) aiming at generating a sensory experience stimulating possibly all human senses. Our implementation comprises a toolset to author sensory effects associated with multimedia content and the simulation thereof. Furthermore, it includes a library, a standalone player, and a Web browser plug-in which enables the playback and rendering of sensory effects on off-the-shelf rendering devices and in various contexts. All software modules are available under the GNU General Public License (GPL) v3 and the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) v3 respectively.}, isbn13 = {-}, keywords = {MPEG-V, Annotation Tool, Simulator, Media Player, Web Browser Plug-in, Sensory Effects, Sensory Experience}, language = {EN}, location = {Nara, Japan}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/acmmm2012_ossc_mwbrcthh.pdf}, talkdate = {2012.10.31}, talktype = {registered}, url = {http://www.acmm2012.org} } @InProceedings{Timmerer2012_ACMMM, title = {Dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP: from content creation to consumption}, author = {Timmerer, Christian and Griwodz, Carsten}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 20th ACM international conference on Multimedia}, year = {2012}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, editor = {Babaguchi, Noboru and Aizawa, Kiyoharu and Smith, John}, month = {oct}, pages = {1533--1534}, publisher = {ACM}, series = {MM '12}, abstract = {In this tutorial we present dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP ranging from content creation to consumption. It particular, it provides an overview of the recently ratified MPEG-DASH standard, how to create content to be delivered using DASH, its consumption, and the evaluation thereof with respect to competing industry solutions. The tutorial can be roughly clustered into three parts. In part I we will provide an introduction to DASH, part II covers content creation, delivery, and consumption, and, finally, part III deals with the evaluation of existing (open source) MPEG-DASH implementations compared to state-of-art deployed industry solutions.}, doi = {10.1145/2393347.2396553}, keywords = {MPEG, adaptation, dash, dynamic adaptive http streaming, streaming}, language = {EN}, location = {Nara, Japan}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/mtu008-timmerer.pdf}, slides = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/mtu008-timmerer-slides.pdf}, talkdate = {2012.10.29}, talktype = {registered}, url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2393347.2396553} } @Article{Timmerer2012909, author = {Timmerer, Christian and Waltl, Markus and Rainer, Benjamin and Hellwagner, Hermann}, journal = {Signal Processing: Image Communication}, title = {Assessing the quality of sensory experience for multimedia presentations}, year = {2012}, month = {sep}, number = {8}, pages = {909--916}, volume = {27}, abstract = {This paper introduces the concept of sensory experience by utilizing sensory effects such as wind or lighting as another dimension which contributes to the quality of the user experience. In particular, we utilize a representation format for sensory effects that are attached to traditional multimedia resources such as audio, video, and image contents. Sensory effects (e.g., wind, lighting, explosion, heat, cold) are rendered on special devices (e.g., fans, ambient lights, motion chair, air condition) in synchronization with the traditional multimedia resources and shall stimulate other senses than audition and vision (e.g., mechanoreception, equilibrioception, thermoreception), with the intention to increase the users Quality of Experience (QoE). In particular, the paper provides a comprehensive introduction into the concept of sensory experience, its assessment in terms of the QoE, and related standardization and implementation efforts. Finally, we will highlight open issues and research challenges including future work.}, address = {Amsterdam, Netherlands}, doi = {10.1016/j.image.2012.01.016}, keywords = {Quality of Experience, Sensory experience, Subjective quality assessment, Experimental results, MPEG-V}, language = {EN}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/1-s2.0-S0923596512000252-main.pdf}, publisher = {Elsevier}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.image.2012.01.016} } @InProceedings{Rainer2012_QoMEX2012_SensoryEffects, author = {Rainer, Benjamin and Waltl, Markus and Cheng, Eva and Shujau, Muawiyath and Timmerer, Christian and Davis, Stephen and Burnett, Ian and Hellwagner, Hermann}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX'12)}, title = {Investigating the Impact of Sensory Effects on the Quality of Experience and Emotional Response in Web Videos}, year = {2012}, address = {Yarra Valley, Australia}, editor = {Burnett, Ian and Wu, Henry}, month = {jul}, pages = {278--283}, publisher = {IEEE}, abstract = {Multimedia is ubiquitously available online with large amounts of video increasingly consumed through Web sites such as YouTube or Google Video. However, online multimedia typically limits users to visual/auditory stimulus, with onscreen visual media accompanied by audio. The recent introduction of MPEG-V proposed multi-sensory user experiences in multimedia environments, such as enriching video content with so-called sensory effects like wind, vibration, light, etc. In MPEG-V, these sensory effects are represented as Sensory Effect Metadata (SEM), which is additionally associated to the multimedia content. This paper presents three user studies that utilize the sensory effects framework of MPEG-V, investigating the emotional response of users and enhancement of Quality of Experience (QoE) of Web video sequences from a range of genres with and without sensory effects. In particular, the user studies were conducted in Austria and Australia to investigate whether geography and cultural differences affect users’ elicited emotional responses and QoE.}, isbn13 = {-}, keywords = {Quality of Multimedia Experience, Sensory Effects, MPEG-V, Subjective Quality Assessment, World Wide Web, Sensory Experience}, language = {EN}, location = {Yarra Valley, Australia}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/QoMEX2012_UserStudy.pdf}, talkdate = {2012.07.07}, talktype = {registered}, url = {http://www.qomex2012.org} } @InProceedings{Rainer2012_EUSIPCO2012, author = {Rainer, Benjamin and Lederer, Stefan and Mueller, Christopher and Timmerer, Christian}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 20th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)}, title = {A Seamless Web Integration of Adaptive HTTP streaming}, year = {2012}, address = {Bucharest, Romania}, editor = {Pesquet-Popescu, Béatrice and Burileanu, Corneliu}, month = {aug}, pages = {1519-1523}, publisher = {European Signal Processing (EURASIP) Society}, abstract = {Nowadays video is an important part of the Web and Web sites like YouTube, Hulu, etc. count millions of users consuming their content every day. However, these Web sites mainly use media players based on proprietary browser plug-ins (i.e., Adobe Flash) and do not leverage adaptive streaming systems. This paper presents a seamless integration of the recent MPEG standard on Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) in the Web using the HTML5 video element. Therefore, we present DASHJS, a JavaScript-based MPEG-DASH client which adopts the Media Source API of Google’s Chrome browser to present a flexible and potentially browser independent DASH client. Furthermore, we present the integration of WebM based media segments in DASH giving a detailed description of the used container format structure and a corresponding Media Presentation Description (MPD). Our preliminary evaluation demonstrates the bandwidth adaption capabilities to show the effectiveness of the system.}, language = {EN}, location = {Bucharest, Romania}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/DASHJS-Eusipco.pdf}, talkdate = {2012.08.30}, talktype = {registered} } @InProceedings{Mueller2012b, author = {Mueller, Christopher and Renzi, Daniele and Lederer, Stefan and Battista, Stefano and Timmerer, Christian}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 20th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO12)}, title = {Using Scalable Video Coding for Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP in Mobile Environments}, year = {2012}, address = {Bucharest, Romania}, editor = {Burileanu, Corneliu and Pesquet-Popescu, Béatrice}, month = {aug}, pages = {2208-2212}, publisher = {European Signal Processing (EURASIP) Society}, abstract = {Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) is a convenient approach to transfer videos in an adaptive and dynamic way to the user. As a consequence, this system provides high bandwidth flexibility and is especially suitable for mobile use cases where the bandwidth variations are tremendous. In this paper we have integrated the Scalable Video Coding (SVC) extensions of the Advanced Video Coding (AVC) standard into the recently ratified MPEG-DASH standard. Furthermore, we have evaluated our solution under restricted conditions using bandwidth traces from mobile environments and compared it with an improved version of our MPEG-DASH implementation using AVC as well as major industry solutions.}, keywords = {Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over {HTTP}, {MPEG-DASH}, Scalable Video Coding, Evaluation, Mobile Networks, Vehicular Mobility}, language = {EN}, location = {Bucharest, Romania}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/mueller_svc-dash.pdf}, talkdate = {2012.08.31}, talktype = {registered} } @InProceedings{Mueller2012a, author = {Mueller, Christopher and Lederer, Stefan and Timmerer, Christian}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fourth Annual ACM SIGMM Workshop on Mobile Video (MoVid12)}, title = {An Evaluation of Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP in Vehicular Environments}, year = {2012}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, editor = {Hefeeda, Mohamed and Hsu, Cheng-Hsin and Chatterjee, Mainak and Venkatasubramanian, Nalini and Ganguly, Samrat}, month = {feb}, pages = {37-42}, publisher = {ACM}, abstract = {MPEGs' Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (MPEG-DASH) is an emerging standard designed for media delivery over the top of existing infrastructures and able to handle varying bandwidth conditions during a streaming session. This requirement is very important, specifically within mobile environments and, thus, DASH could potentially become a major driver for mobile multimedia streaming. Hence, this paper provides a detailed evaluation of our implementation of MPEG DASH compared to the most popular propriety systems, i.e., Microsoft Smooth Steaming, Adobe HTTP Dynamic Streaming, and Apple HTTP Live Streaming. In particular, these systems will be evaluated under restricted conditions which are due to vehicular mobility. In anticipation of the results, our prototype implementation of MPEG-DASH can very well compete with state-of-the-art solutions and, thus, can be regarded as a mature standard ready for industry adaption.}, keywords = {Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP, MPEG-DASH, Microsoft Smooth Streaming, Adobe HTTP Dynamic Streaming, Evaluation, Apple HTTP Live Streaming, Mobile Networks, Vehicular Mobility}, language = {EN}, location = {Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/p37-mueller.pdf}, talkdate = {2012.02.24}, talktype = {registered} } @InProceedings{Mueller2012VCIP, author = {Mueller, Christopher and Lederer, Stefan and Timmerer, Christian}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing Conference (VCIP 2012)}, title = {A Proxy Effect Analysis and Fair Adaptation Algorithm for Multiple Competing Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP Clients}, year = {2012}, address = {San Diego, CA, USA}, editor = {Aizawa, Kiyoharu and Kuo, Jay and Liu, Zicheng}, month = {nov}, pages = {6}, publisher = {IEEE}, abstract = {Multimedia streaming technologies based on the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) are very popular and used by many content providers such as Netflix, Hulu, and Vudu. Recently, ISO/IEC MPEG has ratified Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) which extends the traditional HTTP streaming with an adaptive component addressing the issue of varying bandwidth conditions that users are facing in networks based on the Internet Protocol (IP). Additionally, industry has already deployed several solutions based on such an approach which simplifies large scale deployment because the whole streaming logic is located at the client. However, these features may introduce drawbacks when multiple clients compete for a network bottleneck due to the fact that the clients are not aware of the network infrastructure such as proxies or other clients. This paper identifies these negative effects and the evaluation thereof using MPEG-DASH and Microsoft Smooth Streaming. Furthermore, we propose a novel adaptation algorithm introducing the concept of fairness regarding a cluster of clients. In anticipation of the results we can conclude that we achieve more efficient bottleneck bandwidth utilization and less quality switches.}, language = {EN}, location = {San Diego, USA}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/PID2500949.pdf}, talkdate = {2012.11.29}, talktype = {registered}, url = {http://www.vcip2012.org} } @InProceedings{Mueller2012, author = {Lederer, Stefan and Mueller, Christopher and Timmerer, Christian}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Third Annual {ACM SIGMM} Conference on Multimedia Systems ({MMSys12})}, title = {Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over {HTTP} Dataset}, year = {2012}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, editor = {Claypool, Mark and Griwodz, Carsten and Mayer-Patel, Ketan}, month = {feb}, pages = {89-94}, publisher = {ACM}, abstract = {Adaptive HTTP streaming got lot of attention in recent years and with dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP (DASH) a standard is available. Many papers cover this topic and present their research results, but unfortunately all of them use their own private dataset which – in most cases – is not publicly available. Hence, it is difficult to compare, e.g., adaptation algorithms in an objective way due to the lack of a common dataset which shall be used as basis for such experiments. In this paper, we present our DASH dataset featuring our DASHEncoder, an open source DASH content generation tool. We also provide basic evaluations of the different segment lengths, the influence of HTTP server settings, and, in this context, we show some of the advantages as well as problems of shorter segment lengths.}, keywords = {Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP, DASH, Dataset, Encoder, Content Generation Tool}, language = {EN}, location = {Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/p89-lederer.pdf}, talkdate = {2012.02.22}, talktype = {registered} } @InProceedings{Lederer2012c, author = {Liu, Yaning and Geurts, Joost and Rainer, Benjamin and Lederer, Stefan and Mueller, Christopher and Timmerer, Christian}, booktitle = {CCNx Community Meeting (CCNxConn 2012)}, title = {DASH over CCN: A CCN use-case for a Social Media based collaborative project}, year = {2012}, address = {Sophia Antipolis}, editor = {Carofiglio, Giovanna}, month = {sep}, pages = {1-1}, publisher = {Parc}, keywords = {CCN, DASH}, language = {EN}, location = {Sophia Antipolis, France}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/DashOverCCN.pdf}, talkdate = {2012.09.12}, talktype = {registered}, url = {http://www.ccnx.org/ccnxcon2012/} } @InProceedings{Lederer2012b, author = {Lederer, Stefan and Mueller, Christopher and Rainer, Benjamin and Waltl, Markus and Timmerer, Christian}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing Conference (VCIP 2012)}, title = {An open source MPEG DASH evaluation suite}, year = {2012}, address = {San Diego, CA, USA}, editor = {Izquierdo, Ebroul and Wang, Xin}, month = {nov}, pages = {1-1}, publisher = {IEEE}, abstract = {In this paper we demonstrate our MPEG-DASH evaluation suite, which comprises several components on the client side as well as on the server side. The major client components are the VLC DASH plugin, libDASH, and DASH-JS, a JavaScript-based DASH client. These tools enable performance tests on various platforms, e.g., Windows and Linux as well as mobile platforms such as Android. Moreover, due to their flexible structure it is possible to integrate adaptation logics and evaluate them under consistent conditions. On the server side we provide the content generation tool DASHEncoder, our MPEG-DASH datasets well as the MPEG-DASH conformance validator.}, keywords = {MPEG DASH, Open Source, Demo}, language = {EN}, location = {San Diego, USA}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/open-source_MPEG-DASH_evaluation_suite.pdf}, talkdate = {2012.11.29}, talktype = {registered}, url = {http://www.vcip2012.org} } @InProceedings{Lederer2012, author = {Lederer, Stefan and Mueller, Christopher and Timmerer, Christian}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 19th International Packet Video Workshop ({PV} 2012)}, title = {Towards Peer-Assisted Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP}, year = {2012}, address = {Munich, Germany}, editor = {Guillemot, Christine and Chakareski, Jacob and Steinbach, Eckehard}, month = {may}, pages = {1-6}, publisher = {IEEE}, abstract = {This paper presents our peer-assisted Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (pDASH) proposal as well as an evaluation based on our DASH simulation environment in comparison to conventional approaches, i.e., non-peer-assisted DASH. Our approach maintains the standard conformance to MPEG-DASH enabling an easy and straightforward way of enhancing a streaming system with peer assistance to reduce the bandwidth and infrastructure requirements of the content/service provider. In anticipation of the results our system achieves a bandwidth reduction of Content Distribution Networks (CDN) and as a consequence the corresponding infrastructure costs of the content/service providers by up to 25% by leveraging the upstream capacity of neighboring peers. Furthermore, the cost savings have been evaluated using a cost model that is based on the current Amazon CloudFront pricing scheme. Furthermore, we have also evaluated the performance impact that various combinations of quality levels of the content could have in a peer-assisted streaming system as well as the client behavior in such an environment.}, keywords = {Peer-Assisted Streaming, MPEG-DASH, Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP, CDN Bandwidth Reduction, Peer-to-Peer Streaming.}, language = {EN}, location = {Munich, Germany}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/Paper53.pdf}, talkdate = {2012.05.10}, talktype = {registered} } @Article{Hossfeld2012, author = {Ho{\ss}feld, Tobias and Schatz, Raimund and Varela, Martin and Timmerer, Christian}, journal = {Communications Magazine, IEEE}, title = {Challenges of QoE Management for Cloud Applications}, year = {2012}, month = {apr}, number = {4}, pages = {28-36}, volume = {50}, abstract = {Cloud computing is currently gaining enormous momentum due to a number of promised benefits: ease of use in terms of deployment, administration, and maintenance, along with high scalability and flexibility to create new services. However, as more personal and business applications migrate to the cloud, service quality will become an important differentiator between providers. In particular, quality of experience as perceived by users has the potential to become the guiding paradigm for managing quality in the cloud. In this article, we discuss technical challenges emerging from shifting services to the cloud, as well as how this shift impacts QoE and QoE management. Thereby, a particular focus is on multimedia cloud applications. Together with a novel QoE-based classification scheme of cloud applications, these challenges drive the research agenda on QoE management for cloud applications.}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, doi = {10.1109/MCOM.2012.6178831}, keywords = {cloud computing, multimedia computing, software quality, QoE management, QoE-based classification scheme, multimedia cloud applications, quality management, quality of experience, service quality, Cloud computing, Multimedia communication, Quality of service, Streaming media}, language = {EN}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/06178831.pdf}, publisher = {IEEE Communications Society} } @InProceedings{Grafl2012_TEMU, author = {Grafl, Michael and Timmerer, Christian and Waltl, Markus and Xilouris, George and Zotos, Nikolaos and Renzi, Daniele and Battista, Stefano and Chernilov, Alex}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2012 {IEEE} International Conference on Telecommunications and Multimedia ({TEMU} 2012)}, title = {Distributed Adaptation Decision-Taking Framework and Scalable Video Coding Tunneling for Edge and In-Network Media Adaptation}, year = {2012}, address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA}, editor = {Pallis, Evangelos and Zacharopoulos, Vassilios and Kourtis, Anastasios}, month = {jul}, pages = {6}, publisher = {IEEE}, series = {TEMU}, abstract = {Existing and future media ecosystems need to cope with the ever-increasing heterogeneity of networks, devices, and user characteristics collectively referred to as (usage) context. The key to address this problem is media adaptation to various and dynamically changing contexts in order to provide a service quality that is regarded as satisfactory by the end user. The adaptation can be performed in many ways and at different locations, e.g., at the edge and within the network resulting in a substantial number of issues to be integrated within a media ecosystem. This paper describes research challenges, key innovations, target research outcomes, and achievements so far for edge and in-network media adaptation by introducing the concept of Scalable Video Coding (SVC) tunneling.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TEMU.2012.6294710}, keywords = {distributed adaptation decision-taking; SVC tunneling; research challenges; in-network adaptation; content-aware networking}, language = {EN}, location = {Heraklion, Greece}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/TEMU2012_mgrafl.pdf}, talkdate = {2012.07.31}, talktype = {registered} } @InProceedings{Waltl2011_WoWMoM, author = {Waltl, Markus}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM)}, title = {The Next Dimension of Video Experience: Sensory Effects}, year = {2011}, address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA}, editor = {Gerla, Mario and Mingozzi, Enzo and Chatterjee, Mainak and Passarella, Andrea}, month = {jun}, pages = {3}, publisher = {IEEE}, abstract = {This work presents a new dimension for Quality of Experience (QoE), i.e., sensory information. Sensory information enhances the user experience by providing additional so-called sensory effects (e.g., wind, light, vibration) which are rendered together with multimedia content. Furthermore, the work describes two subjective quality assessments conducted in this area including their results.}, doi = {10.1109/WoWMoM.2011.5986375}, keywords = {Sensory Information, MPEG-V, Subjective Quality Assessments, Quality of Experience}, language = {EN}, location = {Lucca, Italy}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/wowmom2011_mw.pdf}, talkdate = {2011.06.22}, talktype = {poster} } @TechReport{Waltl2011_TR, author = {Waltl, Markus and Timmerer, Christian and Rainer, Benjamin and Hellwagner, Hermann}, institution = {Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt}, title = {Sensory Effects for Ambient Experiences in the World Wide Web}, year = {2011}, address = {Klagenfurt, Austria}, month = {jul}, number = {TR/ITEC/11/1.13}, abstract = {More and more content in various formats become available via the World Wide Web (WWW). Currently available Web browsers are able to access and interpret these contents (i.e., Web videos, text, image, and audio). These contents stimulate only senses like audition or vision. Recently, it has been proposed to stimulate also other senses while consuming multimedia content through so-called sensory effects. These sensory effects aim to enhance the ambient experience by providing effects, such as, light, wind, vibration, etc. The effects are represented as Sensory Effect Metadata (SEM) which is associated to multimedia content and is rendered on devices like fans, vibration chairs, or lamps. In this paper we present a plug-in for the Mozilla Firefox browser which is able to render such sensory effects that are provided via the WWW. Furthermore, the paper describes two user studies conducted with the plug-in and presents the results achieved.}, keywords = {World Wide Web, MPEG-V, Subjective Quality Assessment, Sensory Effects, Quality of Multimedia Experience}, language = {EN}, pages = {12}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/Waltl_TR11113.pdf}, publisher = {Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt} } @InProceedings{Waltl2011_MMWeb, author = {Waltl, Markus and Rainer, Benjamin and Timmerer, Christian and Hellwagner, Hermann}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Multimedia on the Web (MMWeb) 2011}, title = {Sensory Experience for Videos on the Web}, year = {2011}, address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA}, editor = {Böszörmenyi, Laszlo and Marques, Oge and Lux, Mathias and Klamma, Ralf}, month = {sep}, pages = {1--3}, publisher = {IEEE}, abstract = {More and more multimedia content is becoming available via the World Wide Web (WWW). These contents stimulate only senses like hearing or vision. Recently, it has been proposed to stimulate also other senses while consuming multimedia content, through so-called sensory effects. These sensory effects aim at enhancing the user’s viewing experience by providing effects such as light, wind, vibration, etc. These effects are represented as Sensory Effect Metadata (SEM) which is associated to multimedia content and is rendered on devices like fans, lamps, or vibration chairs. In this paper, we present a plug-in for Web browsers which is able to render such sensory effects provided via Web content, and we describe a demonstrator that uses this plug-in to control an amBX system.}, keywords = {Quality of Experience, Sensory Experience, MPEG-V, Web Browser Plug-in, World Wide Web}, language = {EN}, location = {Graz, Austria}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/MMWeb2011_mwbrcthh.pdf}, talkdate = {2011.09.08}, talktype = {poster} } @InProceedings{Mueller2011_ACMMM, author = {Mueller, Christopher and Timmerer, Christian}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 19th ACM international conference on Multimedia}, title = {A VLC media player plugin enabling dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP}, year = {2011}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, editor = {Candan, Kasim Selcuk and Panchanathan, Sethuraman and Prabhakaran, Balakrishnan and Sundaram, Hari and Feng, Wu-Chi and Sebe, Nicu}, month = {nov}, pages = {723--726}, publisher = {ACM}, series = {MM}, abstract = {This paper describes the implementation of a VLC media player plugin enabling Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH). DASH is an emerging ISO/IEC MPEG and 3GPP standard for HTTP streaming. It aims to standardize formats enabling segmented progressive download by exploiting existing Internet infrastructure as such. Our implementation of these formats as described in this paper is based on the well-known VLC. Hence, it is fully integrated into the VLC structure and has been also submitted to the VLC development team for consideration in future releases of VLC. Therefore, it is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL). The plugin provides a very flexible structure that could be easily extended with respect to different adaptation logics or profiles of the DASH standard. As a consequence, the plugin enables the integration of a variety of adaptation logics and comparison thereof, making it attractive for the research community.}, doi = {10.1145/2072298.2072429}, keywords = {3GPP, DASH, HTTP streaming, MPEG, dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP, video}, language = {EN}, location = {Scottsdale, Arizona, USA}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/p723-muller.pdf}, talkdate = {2011.11.29}, talktype = {registered} } @InProceedings{Mueller2011, author = {Mueller, Christopher and Timmerer, Christian}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Second Annual {ACM SIGMM} Conference on Multimedia Systems ({MMSys})}, title = {A Test-Bed for the Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over {HTTP} featuring Session Mobility}, year = {2011}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, editor = {Mayer-Patel, Ketan and Begen, Ali}, month = {feb}, pages = {271--276}, publisher = {ACM}, abstract = {In this paper, we present a multimedia test-bed enabling session mobility in the context of the emerging ISO/IEC MPEG standard, Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH). In general, session mobility is defined as the transfer of a running streaming session from one device to another device where it may need to be consumed in an adaptive way. The two main challenges are: (1) taking into account the new context of the device (e.g., capabilities) to which the session is transferred and (2) performing the actual transfer in a seamless and interoperable way. Our system addresses both challenges supported by a prototype implementation integrated into VLC. In anticipation of the results we can conclude that interoperability is achieved adopting existing standards while the performance of the system does not depend on these standards. That is, the modules responsible for the performance are usually not defined within such standards and left out for competition. However, our system is designed in an extensible way and is able to accommodate this fact.}, language = {EN}, location = {San Jose, CA, USA}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/mueller_A_Test_Bed_for_DASH_featuring_Session_Mobility.pdf}, talkdate = {2011.02.25}, talktype = {registered} } @InProceedings{Kuschnig2011, author = {Kuschnig, Robert and Kofler, Ingo and Hellwagner, Hermann}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Second Annual {ACM SIGMM} Conference on Multimedia Systems (MMSys)}, title = {Evaluation of {HTTP}-based request-response streams for internet video streaming}, year = {2011}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, editor = {Mayer-Patel, Ketan and Begen, Ali}, month = {feb}, pages = {245--256}, publisher = {ACM}, abstract = {Adaptive video streaming based on TCP/HTTP is becoming popular because of its ability to adapt to changing network conditions. We present an in-depth experimental analysis of the use of HTTP-based request-response streams for video streaming. In this scheme, video fragments are fetched by a client from the server, in smaller units called chunks, potentially via multiple parallel HTT P requests (TCP connections). A model for the achievable throughput is formulated.The model is validated by a broad range of streaming experiments, including an evaluation of TCP-friendliness. Our findings include that request-response streams are able to scale with the available bandwidth by increasing the chunk size or the number of concurrent streams. Several combinations of system parameters exhibiting TCP-friendliness are presented. We also evaluate the video streaming performance in terms of video quality in the presence of packet loss. Multiple request-response streams are able to maintain satisfactory performance, while a single TCP connection deteriorates rapidly with increasing packet loss. The results provide experimental evidence that HTTP-based request-response streams are a good alternative to classical TCP streaming}, doi = {10.1145/1943552.1943585}, language = {EN}, location = {San Jose, CA, USA}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/mmsys11_kuschnig_preprint.pdf}, talkdate = {2011.02.25}, talktype = {registered} } @InCollection{Koumaras2011_FIABook, author = {Koumaras, Harilaos and Negru, Daniel and Borcoci, Eugen and Koumaras, Vaios and Troulos, Costas and Lapid, Yael and Pallis, Evangelos and Sidibé, Mamadou and Pinto, Antonia and Gardikis, Georgios and Xilouris, George and Timmerer, Christian}, booktitle = {The Future Internet}, publisher = {Springer}, title = {Media Ecosystems: A Novel Approach for Content-Awareness in Future Networks}, year = {2011}, address = {Berlin, Heidelberg, New York}, editor = {Domingue, John and Galis, Alex and Gavras, Anastasius and Zahariadis, Theodore and Lambert, Dave and Cleary, Frances and Daras, Petros and Krco, Srdjan and Müller, Henning and Li, Man-Sze and Schaffers, Hans and Lotz, Volkmar and Alvarez, Federico and Stiller, Burkhard and Karnouskos, Stamatis and Avessta, Susanna and Nilsson, Michael}, month = {may}, pages = {369-380}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = {6656}, abstract = {This chapter proposes a novel concept towards the deployment of a networked ‘Media Ecosystem’. The proposed solution is based on a flexible co- operation between providers, operators, and end-users, finally enabling every user first to access the offered multimedia services in various contexts, and second to share and deliver his own audiovisual content dynamically, seamlessly, and transparently to other users. Towards this goal, the proposed concept provides content-awareness to the network environment, network- and user context- awareness to the service environment, and adapted services/content to the end user for his best service experience possible, taking the role of a consumer and/or producer.}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-20898-0_26}, keywords = {Future Internet, Multimedia Distribution, Content Awareness, Net- work Awareness, Content/Service Adaptation, Quality of Experience, Quality of Services, Service Composition, Content-Aware Network}, language = {EN}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/FIA-2011.pdf} } @InProceedings{Grafl2011_WoWMoM, author = {Grafl, Michael}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM)}, title = {SVC Tunneling for Media-Aware Content Delivery: Impact on Video Quality}, year = {2011}, address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA}, editor = {Gerla, Mario and Mingozzi, Enzo and Chatterjee, Mainak and Passarella, Andrea}, month = {jun}, pages = {3}, publisher = {IEEE}, abstract = {Today's omnipresent demand for access to multimedia content via diverse devices places new challenges on efficient content delivery. This work introduces the concept of Scalable Video Coding (SVC) tunneling developed in the EU FP7 ALICANTE project and shows that the quality impact of the transcoding steps for a transcoding chain from MPEG-2 to SVC and back to MPEG-2 accumulates to a PSNR reduction of up to 2.1 dB for transcoding at fixed target bitrate points. We also discuss research challenges and open issues in SVC tunneling.}, doi = {10.1109/WoWMoM.2011.5986152}, keywords = {Content-aware networking; scalable video coding; SVC tunneling; transcoding; multimedia distribution}, language = {EN}, location = {Lucca, Italy}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/WoWMoM2011_mgrafl.pdf}, talkdate = {2011.06.22}, talktype = {poster} } @InProceedings{Grafl2011_WoMAN, author = {Grafl, Michael and Timmerer, Christian and Hellwagner, Hermann}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2011)}, title = {Quality Impact of Scalable Video Coding Tunneling for Media-Aware Content Delivery}, year = {2011}, address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA}, editor = {Cheng, Irene and Fernandez, Gabriel and Wang, Haohong}, month = {jul}, pages = {4}, publisher = {IEEE}, series = {ICME}, abstract = {Today's omnipresent demand for access to multimedia content via diverse devices places new challenges on efficient content delivery. While the Scalable Video Coding (SVC) extension of Advanced Video Coding (AVC) has proven to be a useful tool for the advanced delivery of video content, it has not yet found major adoption in practice. This paper introduces the concept of SVC tunneling developed in the EU FP7 ALICANTE project, which attempts to provide device-independent access to media resources at reduced network load. For SVC tunneling, video transcoding is performed at the ingress/egress points of the network, which may impact the video quality. We show that the quality impact of these transcoding steps for a transcoding chain from MPEG-2 to SVC and back to MPEG-2 accumulates to a PSNR reduction of up to 2.1 dB for transcoding at fixed target bitrates. We also discuss research challenges and open issues in SVC tunneling.}, doi = {10.1109/ICME.2011.6012239}, keywords = {Content-aware networking; scalable video coding; quality of service; SVC tunneling; transcoding; multimedia distribution}, language = {EN}, location = {Barcelona, Spain}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/WoMAN2011_paper_209.pdf}, talkdate = {2011.07.11}, talktype = {registered} } @InCollection{Grafl2011_TI, author = {Grafl, Michael and Timmerer, Christian and Hellwagner, Hermann and Negru, Daniel and Borcoci, Eugen and Renzi, Daniele and Mevel, Anne-Lore and Chernilov, Alex}, booktitle = {Trustworthy Internet}, publisher = {Springer}, title = {Scalable Video Coding in Content-Aware Networks: Research Challenges and Open Issues}, year = {2011}, address = {Berlin, Heidelberg, New York}, editor = {Blefari-Melazzi, Nicola and Bianchi, Giuseppe and Salgarelli, Luca}, month = {jun}, pages = {11}, abstract = {The term “trustworthy” has a very precise connotation in the European Community’s FP7 research program. For a network to be qualified as trustworthy, it needs to be secure, reliable and resilient to attacks and operational failures. Furthermore, quality of service must be guaranteed, while protecting user data, ensuring privacy and providing usable and trusted tools to support users in their security management. As such, the Trustworthy Internet not only has to include mechanisms, architectures and networking infrastructures that intrinsically provide basic security guarantees, but it also has to ensure users, service providers and application providers alike that their requirements in terms of Quality of Experience, manageability and efficiency are fully met. Providing such combined guarantees in a rapidly evolving, complex infrastructure such as the Internet requires solving challenging issues that encompass many fields of theoretical and applied information engineering. These issues span all levels of the protocol stack, ranging from finding new intrinsically secure transmission systems, to radically novel routing models, to new architectures for data dissemination and for interconnecting an unprecedented number of devices and appliances. This book aims at representing a view of the state of the “Trustworthy Internet” as we enter the second decade of our century. The material included in this book originated from the 21st International Tyrrhenian Workshop on Digital Communications, an event traditionally organized by CNIT, the Italian inter-university consortium for telecommunication research. The workshop comprised either invited contributions from renowned researchers with complementary expertise, as well as independent, peer-reviewed contributions stimulated through an open call for papers. This volume includes a selected subset of the workshop papers. Each contribution has been edited and extended after the workshop, taking into account the discussions carried out during the event, incorporating when appropriate additional technical material. Furthermore, the authors have strived to complement the specific technical aspects they present with background material devised to more comprehensively introduce the reader to the specific topic of trustworthiness tackled.}, doi = {10.1007/978-88-470-1818-1_26}, isbn10 = {884701817X}, isbn13 = {978-8847018174}, language = {EN}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/SVC4CAN_chapter_v1.0.pdf} } @InProceedings{Waltl2010_WIAMIS_SensoryEffects, author = {Waltl, Markus and Timmerer, Christian and Hellwagner, Hermann}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services (WIAMIS'10)}, title = {Increasing the User Experience of Multimedia Presentations with Sensory Effects}, year = {2010}, address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA}, editor = {Leonardi, Riccardo and Migliorati, Pierangelo and Cavallaro, Andrea}, month = {apr}, pages = {1-4}, publisher = {IEEE}, abstract = {The term Universal Multimedia Experience (UME) has gained momentum and is well recognized within the research community. As this approach puts the user into the center stage, additional complexity is added to the overall quality assessment problem which calls for a scientific framework to capture, measure, quantify, judge, and explain the user experience. In previous work we have proposed the annotation of multimedia content with sensory effect metadata that can be used to stimulate also other senses than vision or audition. In this paper we report first results obtained from subjective tests in the area of sensory effects attached to traditional multimedia presentations such as movies that shall lead to an enhanced, unique, and worthwhile user experience.}, isbn13 = {9781424478484}, keywords = {Sensory Information, MPEG-V}, language = {EN}, location = {Desenzano del Garda, Italy}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/wiamis2010_mwcthh.pdf}, talkdate = {2010.04.13}, talktype = {poster} } @InProceedings{Waltl2010_QoMEX2010_SensoryEffects, author = {Waltl, Markus and Timmerer, Christian and Hellwagner, Hermann}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX'10)}, title = {Improving the Quality of Multimedia Experience through Sensory Effects}, year = {2010}, address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA}, editor = {Perkis, Andrew and Möller, Sebastian and Svensson, Peter and Reibman, Amy}, month = {jun}, pages = {124-129}, publisher = {IEEE}, abstract = {In previous and related work sensory effects are presented as a tool for increasing the user experience of multimedia presentations by stimulating also other senses than vision or audition. In this paper we primarily investigated the relationship of the Quality of Experience (QoE) due to various video bit-rates of multimedia contents annotated with sensory effects (e.g., wind, vibration, light). Therefore, we defined a subjective quality assessment methodology based on standardized methods. The paper describes the test environment, its setup, and conditions in detail. Furthermore, we experimented with a novel voting device that allows for continuous voting feedback during a sequence in addition to the overall quality voting at the end of each sequence. The results obtained from the subjective quality assessment are presented and discussed thoroughly. In anticipation of the results we can report an improvement of the quality of the multimedia experience thanks to the sensory effects.}, doi = {10.1109/QOMEX.2009.5246962}, isbn13 = {9781424469581}, keywords = {Sensory Information, MPEG-V}, language = {EN}, location = {Trondheim, Norway}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/qomex2010_mwcthh.pdf}, talkdate = {2010.06.21}, talktype = {poster}, url = {http://www.qomex2010.org} } @InProceedings{Timmerer2010_WISMA_SensoryEffects, author = {Timmerer, Christian and Waltl, Markus and Hellwagner, Hermann}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Interoperable Social Multimedia Applications (WISMA 2010)}, title = {Are Sensory Effects Ready for the World Wide Web?}, year = {2010}, address = {Aachen, Germany}, editor = {Carreras, Anna and Delgado, Jaime and Maroñas, Xavier and Rodríguez, Víctor}, month = {may}, pages = {57-60}, publisher = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)}, abstract = {The World Wide Web (WWW) is one of the main entry points to access and consume Internet content in various forms. In particular, the Web browser is used to access different types of media (i.e., text, image, audio, and video) and on some platforms is the only way to access the vast amount of information on the Web. Recently, it has been proposed to stimulate also other senses than vision or audition while consuming multimedia content through so- called sensory effects, with the aim to increase the user’s Quality of Experience (QoE). The effects are represented as Sensory Effects Metadata (SEM) which is associated to traditional multimedia content and is rendered (synchronized with the media) on sensory devices like fans, vibration chairs, lamps, etc. In this paper we provide a principal investigation of whether the sensory effects are ready for the WWW and, in anticipation of the result, we propose how to embed sensory effect metadata within Web content and the synchronized rendering thereof.}, keywords = {MPEG-V}, language = {EN}, location = {Barcelona, Spain}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/MPEG-V_v2.1.pdf}, talkdate = {2010.05.19}, talktype = {registered} } @InProceedings{Timmerer2010_STDay_HTTPStreaming, author = {Timmerer, Christian and Mueller, Christopher}, booktitle = {Proceedings of STreaming Day 2010}, title = {HTTP Streaming of {MPEG} Media}, year = {2010}, address = {Agrate B.za, Italy}, editor = {Bernardini, Riccardo and Rovati, Fabrizio}, month = {oct}, pages = {4}, publisher = {Rovati, Fabrizio}, abstract = {MPEG has developed various technologies for multimedia transport, such as MPEG-2 Transport Stream (TS) and ISO Media Base File Format. These technologies have been widely accepted and heavily used by various industries and applications, such as digital broadcasting, audio and video transport over the Internet, mobile phones, etc. In recent years, the Internet has become an important channel for the delivery of multimedia. As HTTP is widely used on the Internet, it has recently been used extensively for the delivery of multimedia content. However, there is no standard for HTTP- based streaming of MPEG media. MPEG intends to standardize a solution that addresses this need. This paper provides an overview of the recent Call of Proposals (CfP) for HTTP Streaming of MPEG Media, a new work item within ISO/IEC MPEG. In particular, it will provide an overview of existing systems and the outcome of the evaluation of the aforementioned CfP which has been conducted during the 93rd MPEG meeting in July 2010.}, keywords = {HTTP Streaming}, language = {EN}, location = {Udine, Italy}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/STDay-2010-v1.1.pdf}, talkdate = {2010.09.17}, talktype = {registered} } @Article{Timmerer2010_MXM_IEEEMM, author = {Timmerer, Christian and Chiariglione, Filippo and Preda, Marius and Doncel, Victor Rodriguez}, journal = {IEEE Multimedia}, title = {Accelerating Media Business Developments with the MPEG Extensible Middleware}, year = {2010}, issn = {1070-986X}, month = {sep}, number = {3}, pages = {74--78}, volume = {17}, abstract = {Editor’s Note: Media applications are becoming increasingly complex. They handle many data formats, run across multiple platforms, and support a wide range of functions. This article describes a standardized set of protocols and APIs that provides efficient access to individual system components, enables rapid deployment of new applications, and improves portability. —Anthony Vetro}, address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA}, doi = {10.1109/MMUL.2010.52}, language = {EN}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/mmu2010030074.pdf}, publisher = {IEEE}, url = {http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/MMUL.2010.52} } @InProceedings{Timmerer2010_ITWDC, author = {Timmerer, Christian and Grafl, Michael and Hellwagner, Hermann and Negru, Daniel and Borcoci, Eugen and Renzi, Daniel and Mevel, Anne-Lore and Chernilov, Alex}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Tyrrhenian Workshop on Digital Communications (ITWDC)}, title = {Scalable Video Coding in Content-Aware Networks: Research Challenges and Open Issues}, year = {2010}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, editor = {Blefari-Melazzi, Nicola}, month = {sep}, pages = {11}, publisher = {Springer}, abstract = {The demand for access to advanced, distributed media resources is nowadays omnipresent due to the availability of Internet connectivity almost anywhere, anytime, and with a huge amount of different devices. This calls for rethinking of the current Internet architecture by making the network aware of which content is actually transported. This paper introduces Scalable Video Coding (SVC) as a tool for Content-Aware Networks (CANs) which is currently researched as part of the EU FP7 ALICANTE project. The architecture of ALICANTE with respect to SVC and CAN is reviewed, use cases are described, and, finally, research challenges and open issues are discussed.}, language = {EN}, location = {Island of Ponza, Italy}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/SVC4CAN_v1.0.pdf}, talkdate = {2010.09.08}, talktype = {registered} } @InProceedings{Timmerer2010_ACMMM_SensoryExperience, author = {Timmerer, Christian and Müller, Karsten}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimedia (MM '10)}, title = {Immersive Future Media Technologies: From 3D Video to Sensory Experiences}, year = {2010}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, editor = {del Bimbo, Alberto and Chang, Shih-Fu and Smeulders, Arnold}, month = {oct}, pages = {1781--1782}, publisher = {ACM}, abstract = {In this tutorial we present immersive future media technologies ranging from 3D video to sensory experiences. The former targets stereo and multi-view video technologies whereas the latter aims at stimulating other senses than vision or audition enabling an advanced user experiences through sensory effects.}, doi = {10.1145/1873951.1874369}, keywords = {Measurement, Experimentation, Human Factors, Standardization, Immersive Media, 3D Video, Stereo Video, Multi-view Video, Sensory Effects, MPEG-V, Quality of Experience}, language = {EN}, location = {Florence, Italy}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/tut08x-timmerer.pdf}, talkdate = {2010.10.25}, talktype = {registered}, url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1873951.1874369} } @InProceedings{Borcoci2010, author = {Borcoci, Eugen and Negru, Daniel and Timmerer, Christian}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Communication Theory, Reliability, and Quality of Service (CTRQ 2010)}, title = {A Novel Architecture for Multimedia Distribution based on Content-Aware Networking}, year = {2010}, address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA}, editor = {Ata, Shingo and Borcoci, Eugen and Del Ser Lorente, Javier and Diaz, Michel and Pioro, Michal and Rodrigues, Joel and Segall, Zary}, month = {jun}, pages = {162--168}, publisher = {IEEE}, abstract = {This paper proposes a novel virtual Content-Aware Network (CAN) layer as a part of a full layered architecture, focused, but not limited to, on multimedia distribution with Quality of Services (QoS) assurance. The overall system is based on a flexible cooperation between providers, operators and end-users, enabling users to access the offered multimedia services in various contexts and also to become private content providers. The paper introduces the main concepts and architecture for the main virtual network layer (i.e., CAN), exposing its role and interfaces among overall system layers. This work is a part of the starting effort inside of a new European FP7 ICT research project, ALICANTE.}, doi = {10.1109/CTRQ.2010.35}, keywords = {content-aware networking, network aware applications, quality of services, multimedia distribution, Future Internet}, language = {EN}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/05532769.pdf}, talktype = {none}, url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=5532769&isnumber=5532402} }