Mulsemedia: State of the Art, Perspectives, and Challenges (bibtex)
@Article{Ghinea2014_Tutorial, author = {Ghinea, Gheorghita and Timmerer, Christian and Lin, Weisi and Gulliver, Stephen}, journal = {ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM)}, title = {Mulsemedia: State of the Art, Perspectives, and Challenges}, year = {2014}, issn = {1551-6857}, month = {sep}, number = {1s}, pages = {17:1--17:23}, volume = {11}, abstract = {Mulsemedia—multiple sensorial media—captures a wide variety of research efforts and applications. This article presents a historic perspective on mulsemedia work and reviews current developments in the area. These take place across the traditional multimedia spectrum—from virtual reality applications to computer games—as well as efforts in the arts, gastronomy, and therapy, to mention a few. We also describe standardization efforts, via the MPEG-V standard, and identify future developments and exciting challenges the community needs to overcome.}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, keywords = {Mulsemedia, contour perception, flow visualization, multisensory, perceptual theory, visual cortex, visualization}, language = {EN}, pdf = {}, publisher = {ACM} }
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