Quality of experience column: an introduction (bibtex)
@InProceedings{Hossfeld2018, author = {Hossfeld, Tobias and Timmerer, Christian}, title = {{Quality of experience column: an introduction}}, booktitle = {ACM SIGMultimedia Records}, year = {2018}, volume = {10}, address = {New York (NY)}, month = {September}, publisher = {ACM Press}, abstract = {Research on Quality of Experience (QoE) has advanced significantly in recent years and attracts attention from various stakeholders. Different facets have been addressed by the research community like subjective user studies to identify QoE influence factors for particular applications like video streaming, QoE models to capture the effects of those influence factors on concrete applications, QoE monitoring approaches at the end user site but also within the network to assess QoE during service consumption and to provide means for QoE management for improved QoE. However, in order to progress in the area of QoE, new research directions have to be taken. The application of QoE in practice needs to consider the entire QoE eco-system and the stakeholders along the service delivery chain to the end user.}, doi = {10.1145/3300001.3300011}, url = {https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=3300011} }
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