OpenCV Performance Measurements on Mobile Devices (bibtex)
@InProceedings{Hudelist:2014:OPM:2578726.2578798, title = {OpenCV Performance Measurements on Mobile Devices}, author = {Hudelist, Marco Andrea and Cob\^{a}rzan, Claudiu and Schoeffmann, Klaus}, booktitle = {Proceedings of International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval}, year = {2014}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, editor = {Jose, Joemon and Van Rijsbergen, Keith}, month = {apr}, pages = {479:479--479:482}, publisher = {ACM}, series = {ICMR '14}, doi = {10.1145/2578726.2578798}, keywords = {Mobile devices, OpenCV, performance evaluation}, language = {EN}, location = {Glasgow, United Kingdom}, talkdate = {2014.04.02}, talktype = {poster}, url = {} }
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