Digitalization of an Educational Business Model Game (bibtex)
@InCollection{Lux2021, author = {Ines Krajger and Mathias Lux and Erich J. Schwarz}, booktitle = {Educating Engineers for Future Industrial Revolutions}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, title = {{Digitalization of an Educational Business Model Game}}, year = {2021}, month = mar, pages = {241--252}, volume = {1329}, abstract = {Entrepreneurship Education is an important field of entrepreneurship research and has become a part of many programs of business and engineering schools. Educational games are a powerful tool to create a motivation learning environment. With the goal of investigating digitalization of business games, which are typically played inlarge groups and face to face, we particularly focus on the use case of thebusiness model game called “inspire! build your business”.}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-68201-9_25}, keywords = {Entrepreneurship Education, Digitalization, Gamification} }
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