An Interview with Aljosa Smolic (bibtex)
@Article{Lux_Aljosa_2013, author = {Lux, Mathias}, journal = {ACM SIGMultimedia Records}, title = {An Interview with Aljosa Smolic}, year = {2013}, issn = {1947-4598}, month = sep, number = {3}, pages = {4-5}, volume = {5}, abstract = {Dr. Aljosa Smolic joined Disney Research Zürich, Switzerland in 2009, as Senior Research Scientist and Head of the "Advanced Video Technology" group. Before he was Scientific Project Manager at the Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich- Hertz-Institut (HHI), Berlin, also heading a research group. He has been involved in several national and international research projects, where he conducted research in various fields of video processing, video coding, computer vision and computer graphics and published more than 100 refereed papers in these fields. In current projects he is responsible for research in 2D video, 3D video and free viewpoint video processing and coding.}, address = {New York, USA}, doi = {10.1145/2552972.2552981}, language = {EN}, publisher = {ACM}, url = {} }
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