% Keywords: Autonomous Systems % Encoding: utf-8 @Article{Rinner2021, author = {Bernhard Rinner and Christian Bettstetter and Hellwagner, Hermann and Stephan Weiss}, journal = {Computer}, title = {{Multidrone Systems: More Than the Sum of the Parts}}, year = {2021}, issn = {0018-9162}, month = {may}, number = {5}, pages = {34--43}, volume = {54}, abstract = {Now that drones have evolved from bulky platforms to agile devices, a challenge is to combine multiple drones into an integrated autonomous system, offering functionality that individual drones cannot achieve. Such multidrone systems require connectivity, communication, and coordination. We discuss these building blocks along with case studies and lessons learned.}, doi = {10.1109/mc.2021.3058441}, keywords = {Autonomous systems, Drones}, publisher = {Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)}, url = {https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9427128} } @Article{Barcis2020, author = {Michal Barcis and Agata Barcis and Hellwagner, Hermann}, journal = {Sensors}, title = {{Information Distribution in Multi-Robot Systems: Utility-Based Evaluation Model}}, year = {2020}, issn = {1424-8220}, month = {jan}, number = {3}, volume = {20}, abstract = {This work addresses the problem of information distribution in multi-robot systems, with an emphasis on multi-UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) applications. We present an analytical model that helps evaluate and compare different information distribution schemes in a robotic mission. It serves as a unified framework to represent the usefulness (utility) of each message exchanged by the robots. It can be used either on its own in order to assess the information distribution efficacy or as a building block of solutions aimed at optimizing information distribution. Moreover, we present multiple examples of instantiating the model for specific missions. They illustrate various approaches to defining the utility of different information types. Finally, we introduce a proof of concept showing the applicability of the model in a robotic system by implementing it in Robot Operating System 2 (ROS 2) and performing a simple simulated mission using a network emulator. We believe the introduced model can serve as a basis for further research on generic solutions for assessing or optimizing information distribution.}, doi = {10.3390/s20030710}, keywords = {autonomous systems, multi-robot systems, information distribution, utility theory}, publisher = {MDPI AG}, url = {https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/20/3/710/htm} } @InProceedings{Quaritsch2008, author = {Quaritsch, Markus and Stojanovski, Emil and Bettstetter, Christian and Friedrich, Gerhard and Hellwagner, Hermann and Rinner, Bernhard and Hofbaur, Michael and Shah, Mubarak}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Communication Systems}, title = {Collaborative Microdrones: Applications and Research Challenges}, year = {2008}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, editor = {ACM,}, month = jul, pages = {7}, publisher = {ACM Press}, abstract = {Microdrones are small-scale unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) carrying payloads such as cameras and sensors. Such microdrones enable us to obtain a bird's eye view of the environment which is helpful in many applications such as environmental monitoring, surveillance or disaster management. This position paper reports on our recently launched project \collaborative microdrones" where we are developing a system for aerial imaging based on cooperating, wireless networked microdrones that can be used in disaster management applications. Several microdrones will y in formation over the area of interest and deliver sensor data which is fused, analyzed and delivered to the user in real-time. In this paper we brie y discuss applications for UAVs, present related projects, introduce our research focus and report on preliminary results.}, keywords = {microdrones, networked autonomous systems, mission planning, aerial imaging, formation flight}, language = {EN}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/Collaborative Microdrones.pdf}, talktype = {none}, url = {http://www.pervasive.uni-klu.ac.at/publications/pdf/Quaritsch_Autonomics2008.pdf} }