% Keywords: Broadcast Encryption % Encoding: utf-8 @InProceedings{Posch2013, author = {Posch, Daniel and Hellwagner, Hermann and Schartner, Peter}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Secure Network Protocols (NPSec' 13)}, title = {On-Demand Video Streaming based on Dynamic Adaptive Encrypted Content Chunks}, year = {2013}, address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA}, editor = {Li, Jun and Maennel, Olaf}, month = {oct}, pages = {6}, publisher = {IEEE}, abstract = {This paper proposes a framework for on-demand video streaming that enables secure and efficient delivery of data towards the end user. Our proposal requires the combined usage of three different technologies. The first one is a recent proposal by Jacobsen et al. called Content-Centric Networking (also known as Named Data Networking). It is a network architecture that introduces named data as the most valuable element in the network and divides it into so called content chunks, which are self-identifying and self-authenticating data units. The second concept we utilize derives from the approach of Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP, which allows clients to dynamically choose the quality of the received video stream according to their available resources. Finally, we adapt the concept of Broadcast Encryption to form a tool to control the access to provided content streams. The combination of these technologies enables us to design a framework that allows streaming providers to transport data to customers as dynamic adaptive encrypted content chunks, which is an efficient, flexible and scalable way of multimedia data transport.}, keywords = {Content-Centric Networking, CCN, Named Data Networking, NDN, Dynamic Adaptive Streaming, DASH, Broadcast Encryption, Video on Demand}, language = {EN}, location = {Germany, Göttingen}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/ICNP_NPSEC_Streaming.pdf}, talkdate = {2013.10.07}, talktype = {registered} }