% Tags: Inter-Destination Media Synchronization % Encoding: utf-8 @Article{timmerer2014_computer, author = {Timmerer, Christian and Rainer, Benjamin}, journal = {IEEE Computer}, title = {The Social Multimedia Experience}, year = {2014}, issn = {0018-9162}, month = {mar}, number = {3}, pages = {67-69}, volume = {47}, abstract = {Inter-destination multimedia synchronization and quality of experience are critical to the success of social TV, which integrates television viewing with social networking.}, address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA}, keywords = {Quality of Experience, Inter-Destination Media Synchronization, Social TV, DASH, IDMS, QoE}, language = {EN}, pdf = {https://www.itec.aau.at/bib/files/timmerer-sme-mar13.pdf}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society} }