% Type: Book % Encoding: utf-8 @Book{2019, editor = {Jesus Carretero and Emmanuel Jeannot and Albert Y. Zomaya}, publisher = {Institution of Engineering and Technology}, title = {{Ultrascale Computing Systems}}, year = {2019}, month = {jan}, abstract = {With the spread of the Internet, applications and web-based services, distributed computing infrastructures, local parallel systems, and the availability of huge amounts of dispersed data, software-dependent systems will be more and more connected, more and more networked, leading to the creation of supersystems. The phrase ultrascale computing systems (UCSs) refers to this type of IT supersystems. UCSs are complex large-scale ecosystems aggregating high-performance parallel and distributed computing infrastructures. These systems provide to the end user intrinsically heterogeneous solutions, located at multiple sites and capable of delivering tremendous performance boosts. They are indispensable to applications offering several orders of magnitude increase in the size of data and in the computing power relative to today's existing conventional technologies. However, to really speak of UCS, we must consider several orders of magnitude increase in the size of data, in the computing power and in the network complexity relative to what is existing now.}, doi = {10.1049/pbpc024e}, url = {https://digital-library.theiet.org/content/books/pc/pbpc024e} } @Book{Schoeffmann2018e, title = {{MultiMedia Modeling - 24th International Conference, MMM 2018 (Part 1)}}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2018}, author = {Schöffmann, Klaus and Chalidabhongse, Thanarat H. and Ngo, Chong-Wah and O´Connor, Noel E. and Aramvith, Supavadee and Ho, Yo-Sung and Gabbouj, Moncef and Elgammal, Ahmed}, volume = {10704}, month = {Januar}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-73603-7}, url = {https://www.springer.com/de/book/9783319736020} } @Book{Schoeffmann2018b, title = {MultiMedia Modeling - 24th International Conference, MMM 2018 (Part 2)}, editor = {Klaus Schöffmann and Thanarat H. Chalidabhongse and Chong-Wah Ngo and Supavadee Aramvith and Noel E. O´Connor and Yo-Sung Ho and Moncef Gabbouj and Ahmed Elgammal}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2018}, month = {Januar}, volume = {10705}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-73600-6}, url = {https://www.springer.com/de/book/9783319735993} } @Book{Schoeffmann2018a, title = {MultiMedia Modeling - 24th International Conference, MMM 2018 (Part 1)}, editor = {Klaus Schöffmann and Thanarat H. Chalidabhongse and Chong-Wah Ngo and Noel E. O´Connor and Supavadee Aramvith and Yo-Sung Ho and Moncef Gabbouj and Ahmed Elgammal}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2018}, month = {Januar}, volume = {10704}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-73603-7}, url = {https://www.springer.com/de/book/9783319736020} } @Book{Waltl2010_VDM, author = {Waltl, Markus}, publisher = {VDM Verlag Dr. Müller Aktiengesellschaft \& Co. KG}, title = {Enriching Multimedia with Sensory Effects}, year = {2010}, address = {Saarbrücken, Germany}, month = {feb}, abstract = {Multimedia is now situated in everyday's life. One can get multimedia content via television, Internet, DVD, etc. One problem with this type of content is that there is only the audio/video content without any extra experience. This extra experience should be realized by using Sensory Effects like wind, light, etc. There are devices which were developed especially for enriching movies or computer games with such effects. MPEG Representation of Sensory Effects (RoSE) is a standardization process which offers a possibility to annotate the content of a video with sensory effects. The resulting description can be used to enrich the video experience. In this book an annotation tool and a simulator for MPEG RoSE are introduced due to the lack of an easy way to create MPEG RoSE compliant descriptions. The annotation tool provides a solution for creating sensory effect descriptions for movies. These descriptions can be simulated by the simulator or shipped with the movie for enriching the experience at one's home. Furthermore, the book gives an overview of Universal Multimedia Experience (UME) and MPEG RoSE. It also describes some companies and devices which already offer sensory effects.}, isbn13 = {9783639234527}, keywords = {Sensory Information, MPEG-V}, language = {EN}, pages = {100} } @Book{Sobe2009a, author = {Sobe, Anita}, publisher = {VdM}, title = {Single Sign-On in IMS-based IPTV Systems}, year = {2009}, address = {Saarbrücken, Germany}, month = oct, issn = {978363920674}, language = {EN}, pages = {80} } @Book{Timmerer2008a, author = {Timmerer, Christian and Hellwagner, Hermann}, publisher = {IEEE}, title = {2008 Ninth International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services}, year = {2008}, address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA}, month = apr, series = {2008 Ninth International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services}, isbn10 = {076953130X}, isbn13 = {9780769531304}, language = {EN}, pages = {246}, url = {http://www2.computer.org/portal/web/csdl/abs/proceedings/wiamis/2008/3130/00/3130toc.htm} } @Book{Timmerer2008, author = {Timmerer, Christian}, publisher = {VDM Verlag Dr. Müller}, title = {Generic adaptation of scalable multimedia resources}, year = {2008}, address = {Saarbrücken, Germany}, month = {jan}, language = {EN}, pages = {162} } @Book{Lux2008, editor = {Lux, Mathias}, publisher = {Verlag Dr. Müller}, title = {Semantische Metadaten. Ein Modell für den Bereich zwischen Metadaten und Ontologien}, year = {2008}, address = {Saarbrücken, Germany}, month = mar, abstract = {Für Rechner nachvollziehbare semantische Information kann mithilfe von Konzepten und Abhängigkeiten zwischen den Konzepten modelliert werden. Auf diese Art kann semantische Information als Graph dargestellt werden, wie es zum Beispiel beim Multimedia Metadaten Standard MPEG-7 der Fall ist. In dieser Arbeit wird das Modell der semantischen Metadaten vorgestellt, das die Einfachheit und den Nutzen von klassischen Metadaten mit der Ausdrucksstärke von Ontologien kombiniert. Mithilfe dieses Modells wird auf Basis von graphentheoretischen Methoden die Suche in semantischen Informationen ermöglicht. Metriken und Modelle für das Retrieval werden eingeführt und anschließend hinsichtlich ihrer Semantik gegenüber dem Benutzerempfinden evaluiert. Zusätzlich wird für die praktische Anwendung der Ergebnisse eine beispielhafte Architektur einer Suchmaschine für semantische Informationen vorgestellt.}, issn = {3836460106}, language = {DE}, pages = {152}, url = {http://www.amazon.de/Semantische-Metadaten-zwischen-Metadaten-Ontologien/dp/3836460106/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s} } @Book{Kosch2008, editor = {Kosch, Harald and Böszörmenyi, Laszlo and Hölbling, Günther and Coquil, Danail and Heuer, Jörg}, publisher = {Hindawi}, title = {Personalization of Mobile Multimedia Broadcasting}, year = {2008}, address = {New York, USA \& Cairo, Egypt}, month = oct, series = {International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting}, language = {EN}, pages = {6} } @Book{Granitzer2008, editor = {Granitzer, Michael and Lux, Mathias and Spaniol, Marc}, publisher = {Springer}, title = {Multimedia Semantics - The Role of Metadata}, year = {2008}, address = {Berlin, Heidelberg, New York}, edition = {Volume 101}, month = jun, series = {Studies in Computational Intelligence}, abstract = {The multimedia metadata community (www.multimedia-metadata.info), wherefrom this book originated, brings together experts from research and industry in the area of multimedia metadata research and application development. The community bridges the gap between an academic research and an industrial scale development of innovative products. By summarizing the work of the community this book contributes to the aforementioned fields by addressing these topics for a broad range of readers.}, isbn10 = {978-3-540-77472-3}, keywords = {Computational Intelligence - Metadata - Multimedia - Multimedia Semantics}, language = {EN}, pages = {261}, url = {http://www.springer.com/engineering/book/978-3-540-77472-3} } @Book{Gordon2008a, editor = {Gordon, Andrew and Havasi, Catherine and Lux, Mathias and Strohmaier, Markus}, publisher = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-323/}, title = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Common Sense Knowledge and Goal-Oriented Interfaces}, year = {2008}, address = {Aachen, Germany}, month = jan, series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings}, language = {EN}, pages = {online}, url = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-323/} } @Book{Gordon2008, editor = {Gordon, Andrew and Havasi, Catherine and Lux, Mathias and Strohmaier, Markus}, publisher = {Klagenfurt University}, title = {Workshop on Common Sense Knowledge and Goal-Oriented Interfaces}, year = {2008}, address = {Klagenfurt, Austria}, month = jan, series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings}, language = {EN}, pages = {nA} } @Book{Boeszoermenyi2008a, editor = {Böszörmenyi, Laszlo}, publisher = {IEEE}, title = {IEEE Annals of the History of Computing}, year = {2008}, address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA}, edition = {Volume 30}, month = sep, series = {IEEE Annals}, abstract = {This special issue of the Annals gives a selection of the best papers presented at the MEDICHI 2007 workshop, held in Klagenfurt, Austria. The focus of the workshop centered on the issues of the methodology and didactics of the history of informatics.}, issn = {10586180}, language = {EN}, pages = {92}, subtitle = {Methods and Challenges in the History of Informatics}, url = {http://www.computer.org/portal/site/annals/index.jsp} } @Book{Mylonas2007, author = {Mylonas, Phivos and Wallace, Manolis and Angelides, Marios C and Hellwagner, Hermann and Agius, Harry}, publisher = {IEEE}, title = {Second International Workshop on Semantic Media Adaptation and Personalization (SMAP 2007)}, year = {2007}, address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA}, month = dec, isbn10 = {0769530400}, isbn13 = {978-0769530406}, language = {EN}, pages = {269}, url = {http://www.smap2007.org/} } @Book{Boeszoermenyi2007, author = {Böszörmenyi, Laszlo}, publisher = {OCG}, title = {MEDICHI 2007 - Methodic and Didactic Challenges of the History of Informatics}, year = {2007}, address = {Wien}, month = {jan}, series = {OCG Schriftenreihe}, abstract = {The focus of the workshop has been laid on the issues of the methodology and didactics of the history of informatics. A special interest has been devoted to contributions which document some aspect of Austria’s role in the field of informatics, or provide insight into the impact of informatics on the Austrian society. Informatics (computer science) is a thriving science yet its brief history is barely credited as an academic discipline. The existing body of historical literature, while small, includes some brilliant contributions, especially biographical and technological chronicles, as well as some excellent anecdotal treatments. Nevertheless, the methods and didactical approaches for examining the history of informatics are poorly developed; the number of conferences and journals dealing with these issues is few, as is the number of young scientists doing scientific research on the history of informatics. This is not because these topics are uninteresting or irrelevant; rather, the conditions for methodically well-founded research are lacking. The motivation of MEDICHI 2007 has been to contribute towards making the ‘history of informatics’ an accepted science and a valued component of Informatics education and research. Each submitted paper has been reviewed by 3 members of the program committee. From 12 submitted papers, 8 have been accepted as a full and 2 as a short paper to be presented. Additionally, 5 invited position papers, written by members of the program committee and 4 invited keynote talks have been presented in altogether 8 sessions. Each presentation is published in the proceedings at hand. The MEDIHCI 2007 workshop was also the venue for awarding the prizes of the 2007 Wolfgang von Kempelen Prize for Computing Science History. The organizers thank to all participants for their contributions and wish the reader an exiting tour through the proceedings}, issn = {9783854032205}, language = {EN}, pages = {178}, url = {https://www.itec.aau.at/medichi2007} } @Book{Boeszoermenyi2006, author = {Böszörmenyi, Laszlo and Simonics, Istavan and Pavlov, Radoslav}, publisher = {Eigenverlag Universität Klagenfurt/Projekt Hubuska}, title = {Methods and tools for development of semantic enabled systems and services for multimedia content, interoperability and reusability}, year = {2006}, address = {Budapest, Ungarn}, month = aug, issn = {3950059377}, language = {EN}, pages = {126} } @Book{Kosch2003a, editor = {Kosch, Harald and Hellwagner, Hermann and Böszörmenyi, Laszlo}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, title = {Euro-Par 2003, Parallel Processing}, year = {2003}, address = {Heidelberg}, month = {aug}, series = {LNCS 2790}, abstract = {Euro-Par is the annual series of international conferences dedicated to the promotion and advancement of all aspects of parallel and distributed computing. The conference normally attracts more than 300 participants coming from universities, research centres and industry.}, isbn10 = {3-540-40788-X}, issn = {0302-9743}, language = {EN}, pages = {1320}, subtitle = {9th International Euro-Par Conference Klagenfurt, Austria}, url = {http://www.springerlink.com/content/978-3-540-40788-1/} } @Book{Boeszoermenyi2003c, editor = {Böszörmenyi, Laszlo and Podlipnig, Stefan}, publisher = {Eigenverlag Universität Klagenfurt}, title = {People behind Informatics}, year = {2003}, address = {Klagenfurt}, month = aug, abstract = {In memory of Ole-Johan Dahl, Edsger Wybe Dijkstra and Kristen Nygaard. Science is done by people. No matter how trivial this sounds, this is often forgotten, especially in the case of technical sciences such as informatics. In this book we attempt to give a short overview of the life and scientific work of three great computing scientists: Ole-Johan Dahl, Edsger W. Dijkstra and Kristen Nygaard. All three were born around the beginning of the 1930s and died in 2002. All three were among the brightest stars of early informatics (or computing science).}, language = {EN}, pages = {121}, url = {http://cs-exhibitions.uni-klu.ac.at} } @Book{Boeszoermenyi2003b, editor = {Böszörmenyi, Laszlo and Schojer, Peter}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, title = {Modular Programming Languages Joint Modular Language Conference, JMLC 2003}, year = {2003}, address = {Heidelberg}, month = aug, series = {LNCS}, abstract = {The mission of JMLC is to explore the concepts of well-structured programming languages and software, and those of teaching good design and programming style. We are especially interested in the construction of large and distributed software systems. We also invite papers on software engineering aspects in new and dynamic application areas, such as multimedia and pervasive systems.}, issn = {3-540-40796-0}, language = {EN}, pages = {270} } @Book{Boeszoermenyi2000a, editor = {Böszörmenyi, Laszlo and Gutknecht, Jürg and Pomberger, Gustav}, publisher = {dpunkt.verlag - Copublication with Morgan-Kaufmann}, title = {The School of Niklaus Wirth}, year = {2000}, address = {-}, month = sep, abstract = {Niklaus Wirth is one of the great pioneers of computer technology and winner of the ACM ’s A.M.Turing Award,the most prestigious award in computer science. He has made substantial contributions to the development of programming languages, compiler construction, programming methodology, and hardware design. While working at ETH Zürich, he developed the languages Pascal and Modula-2. He also designed an early high performance workstation, the Personal Computer Lilith, and most recently the language and operating system Oberon. While Wirth has often been praised for his excellent work as a language designer and engineer, he is also an outstanding educator — something for which he is not as well known. This book brings together prominent computer scientists to describe Wirth’s contributions to education. With the exception of some of his colleagues such as Professors Dijkstra, Hoare, and Rechenberg, all of the contributors to this book are students of Wirth. The essays provide a wide range of contemporary views on modern programming practice and also illuminate the one persistent and pervasive quality found in all his work: his unequivocal demand for simple solutions. The authors and editors hope to pass on their enthusiasm for simple engineering solutions along with their feeling for a man to whom they are all so indebted.}, issn = {3-932588-85-1}, language = {EN}, pages = {268}, url = {http://www.dpunkt.de/suche/ergebnis?modus=einfach\&keyword=\&author=B%F6sz%F6r\&title=} } @Book{Hellwagner1999, author = {Hellwagner, Hermann and Reinefeld, Alexander}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, title = {SCI: Scalable Coherent Interface}, year = {1999}, address = {Berlin [u a ]}, month = {jan}, series = {LNCS}, abstract = {Architecture and Software for High-Performance Compute Clusters.}, isbn13 = {978-3-540-66696-7}, issn = {3-540-66696-6}, language = {EN}, pages = {490} } @Book{Gerndt1998, author = {Gerndt, Michael and Hellwagner, Hermann}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, title = {Implementing Automatic Coordination on Networks of Workstations}, year = {1998}, address = {N, A}, month = mar, issn = {0-8186-8412-7}, language = {EN}, pages = {10} } @Book{Hellwagner1997c, author = {Hellwagner, Hermann}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, title = {High-Level Programming Models and Supportive Environments (HIPS'97)}, year = {1997}, address = {Los Alamitos, CA}, month = apr, issn = {0-8186-7792-9}, language = {EN}, pages = {900} } @Book{Hellwagner1997b, author = {Hellwagner, Hermann}, publisher = {IEEE}, title = {Proceedings Second International Workshop on High-Level Parallel Programming Models and Supportive Environments}, year = {1997}, address = {N, A}, month = apr, series = {Computer}, language = {EN}, pages = {135} } @Book{Boeszoermenyi1996d, editor = {Böszörmenyi, Laszlo}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, title = {Parallel Computation}, year = {1996}, address = {Berlin, Heidelberg, New York}, edition = {1127}, month = sep, series = {LNCS}, abstract = {The Austrian Center for Parallel Computation (ACPC) is a co-operative research organization founded in 1989 to promote research and education in the field of software for parallel computer systems. The areas in which the ACPC is active include algorithms, languages, compilers, programming environments, parallel databases, parallel//O, and applications for parallel and high-performance computing systems. The partner institutions of the ACPC are the University of Vienna, the Technical University of Vienna, and the Universities of Linz, Salzburg, and Klagenfurt. They carry out joint research projects, share a pool of hardware resources, and offer a curriculum in parallel computation for graduate and postgraduate students. In addition, an international conference is organized every other year. The Third International Conference of the A CPC took place in Klagenfurt, Austria, from September 23 to September 25, 1996. The conference attracted many participants from around the world. Authors from 13 countries submitted 31 papers, from which 15 were selected and presented at the conference. Six contributions were accepted for a poster session. In addition, two distinguished researchers presented invited papers. The papers from these presentations are contained in this proceedings volume.}, issn = {3-540-61695-0}, language = {EN}, pages = {123}, subtitle = {Third International ACPC Conference with Special Emphasis on Parallel Databases and Parallel I/O} } @Book{Boeszoermenyi1996, editor = {Böszörmenyi, Laszlo and Weich, Carsten}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, title = {Programming in Modula-3}, year = {1996}, address = {Heidelberg}, month = {jan}, abstract = {The difficulty of programming lies in the need to bring our ideas into a form that can be processed by a machine. This book shows how to write and understand even complex programs by applying proper structures and good style. It uses the programming language Modula-3, which relies on and extends the well-known concepts of Pascal and Modula-2. The steps needed do become an expert programmer are based first of all on the elegant type concept of Modula-3. The programming style supported by this concept leads the reader step-by-stepo toward coping with complex data structures and algorithms. Such new and exciting subjects as object-oriented and parallel programming are touched upon. The book requires no prior programming experience.}, isbn10 = {3540579125}, isbn13 = {978-3540579120}, issn = {3540579125}, language = {EN}, pages = {571}, subtitle = {An Introduction in Programming with Style} } @Book{Bode1996, author = {Bode, Arndt and Gerndt, Michael and Hackenberg, R G and Hellwagner, Hermann}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press}, title = {Proceedings First International Workshop on High-Level Parallel Programming Models and Supportive Environments}, year = {1996}, address = {NA}, month = {jan}, issn = {0-8186-7567-5}, language = {EN}, pages = {128} } @Book{Boeszoermenyi1995, editor = {Böszörmenyi, Laszlo and Weich, Carsten}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, title = {Programmieren mit Modula-3}, year = {1995}, address = {Heidelberg}, month = {jan}, abstract = {Die Hauptaufgabe der Programmierung besteht darin, daß Lösungsideen für ein Problem in eine Form gebracht werden müssen, die maschinell verarbeitet werden kann. Diese Umsetzung von Ideen in mechanische Form fällt oft schwer und kann besonders den Anfänger entmutigen. Dieses Buch zeigt, wie durch richtige Strukturierung, durch die Ausbildung eines guten "Stils", auch komplexe Programme geschrieben und verstanden werden können. Dazu bedient es sich der Sprache Modula-3, die als eine Nachfolgesprache von Pascal und Modula-2 auf den in diesen Sprachen bereits bewährten Konzepten aufbaut und sie erweitert. Der dadurch ermöglichte Programmierstil führt schrittweise über den Umgang mit komplexen Datentypen und Algorithmen hin zu modernen und anspruchsvollen Themen wie objektorientierte und parallele Programmierung.}, isbn10 = {3540579117}, isbn13 = {978-3540579113}, issn = {3540579117}, language = {DE}, pages = {577}, subtitle = {Eine Einführung in stilvolle Programmierung} } @Book{Hellwagner1989, editor = {Hellwagner, Hermann}, publisher = {VWGO}, title = {Systolische Architekturen für die Verallgemeinerte Diskrete Fourier-Transformation}, year = {1989}, address = {Wien}, month = {jan}, isbn10 = {385369733x}, isbn13 = {978-3853697337}, language = {DE}, pages = {150} }