Tag Archives: future internet

HTTP/2.0 and DASH: Planning Tomorrow's Improved Video Delivery

HTTP traffic has grown extensively driven by the immense growth of multimedia traffic. Nowadays it could be seen as “the” protocol to deploy new services and applications and it is also heavily used by the industry, due to the fact that it provides advanced features for modern Internet architectures:
1. it is a content centric protocol that decouples names from addresses through DNS
2. it provides caching elements and middle boxes as reverse and forward proxies
3. it enables scalable and flexible content deployment with content distribution, already leveraged by Content Distribution Networks (CDN)
However, there is still room for improvements as many services are still using HTTP/1.0 which has been specified in May 1996 or are not utilizing all features of HTTP/1.1 such as persistent connections or pipelining. For example …
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